Computer Science 50
lab assignments
Typically, labs are given out after the lecture on Monday and are
returned the following Sunday at midnight; exceptions to this are Lab3
(9 days), Lab 6 (10 days) and Lab7 (2 days). Labs are graded and
returned one week later. Each student is given two free
passes for 48 hour extensions with no penalty. But you do not want to
use these if possible since you will fall behind; see policy for late
Warning -- do not submit segfaulted code: No grade will be given to labs submitted that
segfault. There is no way for
us to grade a segfaulted program. If you submit a program that
segfaults there is the penalty: a student will
be asked to resubmit their segfaulted code. The resubmitted code will
be graded out of 50% of the original grade. This is a significant
penalty so make sure that you double check that your code compiles and
runs correctly without segfaults before submission.
Date Due
- Shell Commands
Monday, March 30
Not graded but complete Monday April 6
- Shell Programming
Monday, April 6
Monday April
13 (11.59 PM)
- C
Monday, April 13
Tuesday, April 21
(11.59 PM)
Lab4 -
Wednesday, April 22
Monday, May 4
(11.59 PM)
-- 12 days
Lab5 - Indexer
Monday, May 4
Monday, May
(11.59 PM)
Lab6 - Query Engine
Monday, May
Monday, May 18
(11.59 PM)
Lab 7 is optional and will be for extra credit
Lab7 - Socket
Monday May 18
Wed, May
20 (11.59 PM)
As mentioned above labs are given out on Monday at class and are due
(typically) midnight Monday. There are a couple of exceptions
with Lab6 (which is hard) and Lab7 (which challenging but a breeze in
comparison to Lab6).
Labs 4-6 are the TinySearchEngine set. You will code the crawler and
indexer. We will design these components
in class together. You will do the design for the query engine and code
it. Then you will put all three components
together and you'll have your TinySearchEngine. Now you are ready to take
on google! This is an extremely cool
set of assignments. It is, however, very challenging but you will learn
how to design, implement, test and debug a
complex software system. You will gain significant coding chops doing
this. It will be painful but we promise you will get there.
You will write a lot of C code in this course: approximately 500 lines of
bash scripts and 3000 lines of C
for the assignments and 1000 lines for the joint project - these are
counts of C code, excluding comments.
Note, there is some code reuse/ refactoring between the TinySearchEngine
set of labs.
Lab 2 (Shell): 445
Lab 3 (C): 387
Lab 4 (Crawler): 692
Lab 5 (Indexer): 1002
Lab 6 (Query Engine): 587
Lab 7 (Sockets): 389
Project: 1063
One more item before you get your cs50 hackers medal:
Embedded Linux programming, network programming - now for flying copters ..... and
project time.
See the project
page for the remaining schedule and for important milestones and
what is needed for those
How to submit programming assignments
We are using Subversion Version Control (SVN) for the submission
of programming assignments. SVN is a tool for source code management.
How are we going to submit programming labs using SVN? First,
create a directory for each new lab (viz. lab1, lab2, lab3, lab3,
lab6 and lab7). We will make a copy of your SVN directory after the
deadline for submission.
Please make sure that each lab directory (e.g., lab2) contains a simple
text file (called README) briefly describing the source code in the
directory and anything “unusual” about how your solution
should be located, executed, and considered. Essentially, your README
gives us a quick overview of the content on the directory and how to
run your programs. Note that from Lab 4 onward you also need to
include a Makefile in your submission directory.
Your svn repository root is at For
example: Note,
repo in yourreponame is short for respository. But replace campbell with
your repsoitory account username. You should
have received this from Wayne or the TA. When you click on the svn URL
above you will be asked to enter a username and password: enter your
full DND (also blitz name) as your username and Blitz password as your
password; DO NOT use your CS account name and password to login to the
svn server - it will not work.
NOTE, for classes after 2012 this is relevant: change cs50-s12 to the
correct year and term for example W13 changes the svn commands below to
We will have a lecture on how to use svn but you do can read the notes
in advance in you like.
Section information
to the TA lab hours we have sections that will meet where you
can come with your questions and the section leaders will help with
design and coding issues. Please take full advantage of these sessions
because the design and coding gets challenging very quickly. See below
for which section you are in and when and where the section meets.
When and where the sections meet:
x section will meet 10-11 am in Sudikoff 115
x section will meet 1.45-2.45 pm in Sudikoff 214
x section will meet 3-4 pm in Sudikoff 214
x section will meet 5-6pm in Sudikoff 212
Some suggestions:
1. If you have trouble with remote login to lab 001 linux pc
using windows laptop then please refer to this link
2. We also encourage students to run their code on their laptops
as a first priority. Then remote login to make sure your code work on
the lab 001 linux machines. Otherwise, the lab machines will be pretty
slow if all the students write and run code on them.
3. If you have coding questions, please email in this order: section leader
first, then TA and then professor.