CS 50 Software Design and Implementation

Lab2 Rubric

Here are the things we will look to grade against for shell programming:

Defensive coding: you should always assume that the user will enter incorrect input. So how are you going to deal with it? Tips: make sure you check the number of parameters entered against what you expect. Inform the user using ”Usage: incorrect number of parameters: enter two dates e.g., 05/15/1959 05/20/1970” then exist with suitable exit value. If your program uses other shell commands say date and a user gives an incorrect date then the date command will inform the output (that makes sense) but you should look at the return status ($?) to make sure it is 0 (which is completed correctly). If not your code should exit the program with a suitable error.

Exit gracefully: Spy should catch signals and remove any temporary files and exit the daemon gracefully. Discussed this in class.

Here is a more detailed rubric:

Correctness 80%

– Is the program correct (i.e., does it work) and error free?

All shell programs equally graded – I know spy is hardest.


– Argument Check -3

– Exit with error is a command fails (e.g., date) -3

– Wrong output on birthday-5

– Format Check -3

– Functionally incorrect -50

– Cannot run it -100


– Argument Check -3

– Exit with error is a command fails -3

– Wrong leap year decision algorithm -20

– Closest leap year calculation -10

– Functionally incorrect -50

– Cannot run it -100


– Argument Check -3

– Individual file line count -10

– Total file line count -10

– Exit with error is a command fails -5

– Fail test in recursive directory -10

– Functionally incorrect -50

– Cannot run it -100


– Argument Check -3

– Failure file download -10

– Wrong keyword count -10

– Exit with error is a command fails -5

– Wrong format -2

– Functionally incorrect -50

– Cannot run it -100


– Did not pass 6-10pm test -20

– Only log-on time or only log-in time is right -10

– Send email in a incorrect manner no subject, incorrect format -5

– Cannot handle edge cases -5

– Did not use functions - 10

– Exit gracefully and remove any log files, correct exit values -5

– Functionally incorrect -50

– Cannot run it -100

Extra credit for spy.sh (5%)

Clarity (10%)

– Is the code easy to read, well commented, use good names

– for variables and functions. In essence, is it easy to understand and use

– [K&P] Clarity makes sure that the code is easy to understand for people

– and machines.

– Too much mysterious variable names with comments -3

Simplicity (10%)

– Is the code as simple as possible.– [K&P] Simplicity keeps the program short and manageable