Numbers after each title indicate sizes and prices available above.
You can use PAYPAL to order online, or contact me to send a check or money order. Vermont customers pay a 6% sales tax.
(1) 8"x10" matted $22.00
(2) 11"x14" matted $35.00
(3) 10.5" X13.5" UNMATTED (will fit in a 16"x20" mat) $45.00
(4) 16"X20" matted $65.00
(5) 18"x24" matted $85.00
(6) 10.5"x13.5" UNMATTED (will fit a 16"X20" mat) $55.00
(7) 16"X20" matted $85.00
(8) 18"x24" matted $125.00
Shipping prices are calculated according to price:
up to USD $22.00 = $4.50
$22.01-$65.00 = $8.50
$65.01 up to $85.00 = $12.50
$85.01-$250.00 = $15.50
$250.01 and up = $25.00
Important:when filling out this form enter the NAME of theprint in the blank provided titled: PAYMENT FOR
IF you see a painting offered as a print that you would like to purchase as an original, please contact me.
MY PRINT POLICY and COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: No original commissioned portrait can be reproduced without the permission of the owner a\
nd myself.That is my personal policy. However, it
is against the law for ANYONE, even the owner of an original painting or a PRINT, to reproduce it without permission of the artist.
Numbers after each title indicate sizes and prices available, as indicated above
You can reach me here:
Check back here often for updates
Click on each entry to see a sample of the painting
visit his kennel here
from a photo by Hugo Stempher-see above (1) (2)
from a photo by Hugo Stempher-see above (2) (3) (4)Cats
(owned and photograped by Carm Cole) (3) (4)Birds
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