Here are various tools you will need for the course.

1. MySQLWorkbench

This is needed for Lab 1 and 2. The MySQL Workbench provides

… data modeling, SQL development, and comprehensive administration tools for server configuration, user administration, backup, and much more.

You will find it quite handy for designing and testing relational databases. Follow the installation instructions for your platform here.

2. MongoDB tools

These are needed for Labs 3 and 4.

MongoDB Shell

MongoDB Shell is the quickest way to connect to (and work with) MongoDB. Easily query data, configure settings, and execute other actions with this modern, extensible command-line interface — replete with syntax highlighting, intelligent autocomplete, contextual help, and error messages.

Follow the installation instructions for your platform here.

MongoDB Tools

These are a collection of command-line utilities for working with MongoDB databases.

Scroll down this page to expand the MongoDB Database Tools section and follow the installation instructions for your platform.

MongoDB Compass (optional)

Easily explore and manipulate your database with Compass, the GUI for MongoDB. Intuitive and flexible, Compass provides detailed schema visualizations, real-time performance metrics, sophisticated querying abilities, and much more.

Follow the installation instructions for your platform here.

3. Development environment tools

You are welcome to use whatever development environment tools you wish. Some, such as Visual Studio Code, may have add-ons or plug-ins that help with MySQL and MongoDB.

⚠️ Note:
The teaching team cannot provide assistance with any of these tools.