Some class topics will be supported by lecture notes. These should be available the day of the class and will complement what is discussed in class. We try to include in the class notes most of what we plan to discuss in class, but there is always additional material that is included in class that could be on the quizzes.

Many of the lecture examples are located here, with more added each week.

Date Topic Visuals
2025-01-06 Introduction and motivation
2025-01-08 Data Models Slides
2025-01-10 Intro to Relational Models Slides
2025-01-15 ER Modeling Slides
2025-01-15 MySQLWorkbench
2025-01-17 Advanced Data Modeling Slides
2025-01-21 Normalization (two class meetings) Slides
2025-01-24 Introduction to SQL Slides
2025-01-29 Advanced SQL Slides
2025-02-04 Advanced SQL part 2 Slides
2025-02-05 SQL App design and implementation Slides
2025-02-05 Transactions Slides
2025-02-05 Transactions part 2 Slides
2025-02-07 Transactions and Concurrency Slides
2025-02-10 Indexing and Hashing Slides
2025-02-12 DB Performance and Tuning Slides
2025-02-14 SQL Mystery Slides
2025-02-17 NoSQL Overview Slides
2025-02-18 Getting setup with MongoDB
2025-02-19 Thinking in Documents Slides
2025-02-21 MongoDB - CRUD Part 1
2025-02-24 MongoDB - Aggregation Framework Slides
2025-02-24 MongoDB - CRUD Part 2 Slides
2025-02-26 MongoDB - Schema design Slides
2025-02-28 MongoDB - Indexes
2025-03-05 MongoDB - Replica Sets Slides
2025-03-07 MongoDB - Sharding Slides