


Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis, Random House/Pantheon, April, 2005.

Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis, (paperback) Pantheon Press, 2006, 304 pages, ISBN: 037542136X


Modern Signal Processing (w./ D. Healy - editors), Cambridge University Press, 2004.


Music and Computers: A Theoretical and Historical Approach (w/P. Burk, L. Polansky, d. repetto, and

M. Roberts), Key College Publishing, 2004.


Cyclic Renormalization and Automorphism Groups of Rooted Trees (w/H. Bass, M. V. Espinar, and C.

Tresser), Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Volume 1621, Springer-Verlag, NY 1996.


Film Projects:

From Mind to Machine - The Discovery of Artificial Intelligence (with W. Conquest and B. Drake), 2007.


The Math Life (with W. Conquest and B. Drake), a 51 minute documentary about the people, process, and problems of modern mathematics. Distributed by Films for the Humanities and Sciences ( and (as of 3/10/03) to appear on at least 55% (and at most 90%) of the Public Television marketplace.


Mathematics Illuminated (host, lead content advisor, a 13 part series on mathematics, funded by the Annenberg Foundation, produced by Oregon Public Broadcasting)


Journal/Conference Publications:



·   Using Hierarchical Change Mining to Manage Network Security Policy Evolution (w/G. Weaver, N. Foti, S. Bratus, and S. Smith), The Workshop on Hot Topics in Management of Internet, Cloud, and Enterprise Networks and Services (Hot-ICE '11), (2011),  in press.


·   Nonparametric sparsification of complex multiscale networks (w./N. Foti and James M. Hughes), PLoS ONE, 6(2): e16431. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016431 (2011)


·   Intelligent data analysis of intelligent systems, (w./D. C. Krakauer, J. C. Flack, S. Dedeo, and D. Farmer, Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis IX 6065:8-17(2010).


·   Improved IBD detection using incomplete haplotype information (w./G. Genovese, G. Leibon, and M.Pollak), BMC Genetics, 11:58 (2010).


·   The packet-switching brain (w./D. Graham), J. of Cognitive Neuroscience, Early Access Posted Online March 29, 2010. (doi:10.1162/jocn.2010.21477).


·   Preference for artwork: Similarity, statistics, and selling price (w. D. Graham, J. Friedenberg, and C. McCandless), in Proc. SPIE: Human Vision and Electronic Imaging 7527 (2010).


·   Stylometrics of artwork: Uses and limitations (w./D. Graham and J. M. Hughes), Proc. SPIE: Computer Vision and Image Analysis of Art 7531 (2010).


·   Deblurring of motionally averaged images with applications to single-particle cryo-electron microscopy, (w./G. Chirikjian, W. Park, and D. Madden), arXiv: 0710.0690, Inverse Problems, 26, Number 3, March 2010 doi: 10.1088/0266-5611/26/3/035002.


·   Quantification of artistic style through sparse coding analysis in the drawings of Pieter Bruegel the Elder (w./J. Hughes and D. Graham), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, vol. 107, no. 4, pp. 1279–1283, 2010.


·   Fast Fourier transforms for the rook monoid, (w./M. Malandro) Transactions of the AMS, 362(2) pp. 1009 – 1045, (2010).


·   Accurate image rotation using Hermite expansions (w./G. Chirikjian, W. Park, and G. Leibon), IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 18(9) pp. 1988–2003, (2009).


·   Mapping the similarity space of paintings: Is there a role for image statistics? (w./D. J. Graham, J. N., Friedenberg, and D. J. Field,), Visual Cognition, July 15, 2009, DOI: 10.1080/13506280902934454.


·   A mathematical model for optimal tuning systems (w./L. Polansky, M.K. Johnson, D. Repetto and W. Pan), Perspectives in New Music, 47(1), p. 69–110, 2009.


·   Spectral analysis for phylogenetic trees (w./P. Rinker), NIPS (2009), Workshop on Ranked Data.


·   Intensity statistics of artwork: connections to human visual perception (w./ D. J. Graham, J. N. Friedenberg, and D. J. Field), SPIE, 2009. Proc. SPIE. 7240.


·   Topological structures in the equities market, (w./G. Leibon, S. Pauls, R. Savell), PNAS, 105(52):20589-94, 2008.


·   A fast Hermite transform, (w./G. Leibon, R. Taintor, G. Chirikjian, and W. Park), Theoretical Computer Science, 409(2): 211-228 (2008).


·   Evolution of community structure in the world trade web, (w./I. Tzekina and K. Danthi), European J. Phys. B, 63, 541-545 (2008) DOI: 10.1140/epjb/e2008-00181-2


·   A SNP Streak Model for the Identification of Genetic Regions Identical-by-descent, (w./G. Leibon and M.Pollak), Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 7(1), Article 16 (2008). (Available at:


·   FFTs on the Rotation Group (w./P. Kostelec), Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 14(2) 145– 179, (2008).


·   Multifractal analysis for Jackson Pollock (w./J. Coddington, J. Elton, and Y. Wang), SPIE 2008, Paper 6810-13.


·   The Power of Strong Fourier Sampling: Quantum Algorithms for Affine Groups and Hidden Shifts (w./C. Moore, A. Russell, and L. Schulman), SIAM J. Computing, 37, 938–958 (2007)


·   Steps toward Digital Authentication (w./G. Leibon), in Matematica e cultura, 2007, MIchele Emmer (ed.), Springer-Verlag.


·   A Fast Hermite Transform with Applications to Protein Structure Determination (w./G. Leibon and G. Chirikjian), Proceedings of 2007 International Workshop on Symbolic-Numeric Computation, ACM, 117–124 (2007).


·   Generic Quantum Fourier Transforms (w./C. Moore and A. Russell), ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 2(4), pp. 707–723, 2006.


·   Stochastic Analysis of Geometric Image Processing Using B-Splines, (w./ G. Rohde, D. Healy, C. Bernstein, A. Aldroubi), Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pp. 1017-1020, 2006.


·   A Digital Technique for Authentication in the Digital Arts (w./S. Lyu and H. Farid), International Foundation for Art Research Journal, spring, 2006.


·   Wavelet Analysis for Authentication,” (w./S. Lyu and H. Farid), Art+Math = X, Conference on the interface of Art and Mathematics, CU, Boulder, June 2005


·   A Digital Technique for Art Authentication (w./S. Lyu and H. Farid), PNAS, vol. 101 (49), pp. 17006-17010 (2004).


·   Rooted trees and iterated wreath products of cyclic groups (with R. Orellana and D. Rockmore), Adv. in Appl. Math., 33(3) (2004), 531-547.


·   Sharing Neuroimaging Studies of Human Cognition, (w./ J. D. Van Horn, S. T. Grafton, and M. S. Gazzaniga), Nature Neuroscience, 7, (2004), 473–481.


·   Computing isotypic projections with the Lanczos iteration (w./ D. Maslen and M. Orrison) SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Appplications PDF version 25 (3), 784--803, (2004).



Algorithms. 2004, pp. 771-780.



















·       FFTs for tensor and vector harmonics on the 2-sphere (with D. Healy, D. Maslen and P. Kostelec), J. Computational Physics, 162, 2000, pp. 514–535.







·       A Combinatorial Description of the Spectrum of the Tsetlin Library and its Generalization to Hyperplane Arrangements (w/P. Bidigare, P. Hanlon), Duke J. Math., 99(1), 1999, pp. 135–174.



·       Level spacings for Cayley graphs (with J. Lafferty), in Emerging Applications of Number Theory, D. Hejhal (ed.), Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, Volume 109, 1999, pp. 373–386.










·       An FFT for the 2-sphere and applications (w/ D. Healy and S. Moore), in ICASSP 96



















Preprints/Papers in Revision

·   Stability of the world trade network over time: an extinction analysis (w/ N. Foti, and S. Pauls), in revision.

·   Partition decoupling for multi-gene analysis of gene expression profiling data (w/R. Braun, G. Leibon, and Scott Pauls), in revision.

·   Partition decomposition for roll call data (w/M. Herron, G. Leibon, S. Pauls, and R. Savell), in revision.

·   Robustness and contagion in the international financial network (w/T. Dette and S. Pauls), in revision

·   A simple computational method for the identification of disease- associated loci in complex pedigrees” (w./M. Pollak and G. Leibon),, arXiv:0710.5625.

·   Data Mining and Network Analysis in the Life and Social Sciences: Potential Opportunities for the DoD and National Security, in IDA Paper P-3704, Defense Science Study Group 2000-2001 Papers 1-11,

·   December 2002.

·   Ruffles and the turning point algebra (with P. Doyle), number to be assigned.

·   Computation of Fourier transforms on the symmetric group, Proceedings of 1989 Conference on Computers and Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, NY, 1989, 156-165.



Expository Work



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