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This page contains all known bugs and errata for Introduction to Algorithms, Third Edition. If you are looking for bugs and errata in the second edition, click here. We are no longer posting errata to this page so that we may focus on preparing the fourth edition of Introduction to Algorithms. We still appreciate when you submit errata so that we may correct them in the new edition. Please send any reports of bugs, misprints, and other errata to clrs-bugs@mit.edu.
An edition and a printing are different things. There are multiple printings of the third edition. You have the third edition if the cover looks like the image on the left side of this page. To determine which printing of the third edition you have, look at page iv, which is the copyright page just before the Table of Contents. There will be either one line or two lines containing a sequence of numbers counting down. If there is just one line, then the last number on that line is the printing number. If there are two lines, then the last number on the line that starts with "HARDCOVER" is the printing number (even if your copy is paperback).
Severity levels
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