This page assumes that you are running OSX 10.3, though most of what I have to say here hasn't changed since OSX 10. The Folder names on your computer will be different from mine!
First, type gcc (remember the implied "Return" afterwards!)
If the computer replies gcc: no input files
you are all set.
If not, and the computer responds with
-bash: gcc: command not found
you will have to go to the
Apple web site, find the developer section, and download
and install the "Developer Tools" package. Since I always
install "Developer Tools" from the CD. I can't tell
you exactly the steps to do this. gcc is a compiler, it takes the
source code that you will download real soon and compiles it into a program
that you can run.
Read more about getting GCC
. Copy that line
with your mouse. Scroll down in the TextEdit window till you
find some lines that say
# use this line if the fonts are in working directory # TLOC='"."' # # use this line if the fonts are in the TeX library # or your personal library. # # TLOC = '"/net/tahoe4/wbc/src/nnt"' # TLOC = '"/net/wbc/src/nnt"' # TLOC = '"/usr/aeolus1/wbc/src/nnt"' # TLOC = '"/home/wbc/nnt"' # TLOC = '"/Users/wbc/nnt"'and enter a line below then that says something like
TLOC = '"/Users/wbc/Desktop/lute_tab4.3.18"'note the single ' and double " quotes very carefully!! The line that you got from "pwd" is wrapped in double quotes and the the whole thing is wrapped in single quotes. Save the file and quit TextEdit. You can put this off till later if it really confuses you. This exercise tells the TAB program were to look for its font files, and if you don't do it you will always have to run TAB in this dierctory. If you mess this up when you run tab you will et an error
File In: Can't open /Users/wbc/Desktop/lute_tab//lute9.tfm
g++ -g -DTFM_PATH='"/Users/wbc/nnt"' -UX_WIN -c -o args.o g++ -g -DTFM_PATH='"/Users/wbc/nnt"' -UX_WIN -c -o buffer.o g++ -g -DTFM_PATH='"/Users/wbc/nnt"' -UX_WIN -c -o dbg.o dbg.ccending with something like
gcc version 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1495) ld -arch ppc -dynamic -o tab -lcrt1.o -lcrt2.o -L/usr/lib/gcc/darwin/3.3 -L/usr/lib/gcc/darwin -L/usr/libexec/gcc/darwin/ppc/3.3/../../.. args.o buffer.o dbg.o draw.o dvi.o dvi_f.o dviprint.o file_in.o get_t.o getsys.o i_buf.o incl.o main.o map.o notes.o pass1.o pass2.o pk_font.o pk_in.o print.o ps_print.o score.o sizes.o tab_p.o tfm.o title.o tree.o uline.o sound.o beam.o raw_snd.o midi_snd.o pdf_print.o ascii.o -lstdc++ -lm -lgcc -lSystem | c++filt3If you get errors (hint - look for the word
cut and paste them into a mail message to me.
./tab sampleand the computer will reply with
setting filename to tab 4.3.18 copyright 1995-2003 by Wayne Cripps Wayne-Cripps-Computer:~/Desktop/lute_tab4.3.18 wbc$where the third line will have the name of your computer, not mine. The Finder window of lute_tab4.3.18 will now have a file labeled "" which you can open if you are running OSX 10.3. This will show you a few sample pages of TAB output! The sample is old, and some stuff on the second page will look very strange.
If you have an older version of OSX you will have to either get a program like macghostview that displays postscript, or install ghostview using fink. Ghostview can convert PostScript to PDF. MacGhostView is easy to install, it is shareware, but ghostview is a bigger effort.
b 2 cdc b eand save as "" in the "Where" of Desktop lute-tab4.3.18 in plain text encoding. Don't save with a .txt.extension! Run tab again specifying the new file by saying "./tab" and you should be able to open the file again in the finder window.
Wayne, July 19 2004
Editing the ~/.profile takes you into the realm of command line unix, because as far as I know Finder just doesn't show you files that begin with a dot (hidden files in Unix.) Open terminal, and go to your home directory by typing "cd ~". Open the .profile file in your favorite editor (if you have a favorite unix editor) and add a line that says
PATH=$PATH:.:/Users/wbc/tab4.3.24where /Users/wbc is my "home" directory that terminal opens to and /Users/wbc/tab4.3.24 is where I keep my "tab" program. After you have done this you will have to start a new terminal window, and the change will take affect in the new window. Note that the syntax is the new path is between colons and the search is from left to right. A web search for unix search path might be give you more detailed information.