A list of recorder makers
pitches of various recorders
the difference between cheap and expensive recorders
about politically correct EM coaches and students, by Hope Ehn
a list of different a pitches by quarter step
Edition Walhall facsimilies
Read Figured Bass
make a baroque flute Bouterse
- Alison Melville
- Janna Schneider G. P. Telemann: 12
- Janna Schneider G. P. Telemann: Janna Schneider G. P. Telemann:
- Janna Schneider G. P. Telemann:
- Kate Alsop and Mark Wilson recorder and bassoon
- Bolette Roed
- Claire Guimond of Arion
- Gwyn Roberts of Tempesta di Mare
- Lobke Sprenkeling how to fix recorders
- David Shorey flute catalogs
- David Shorey
- Alisa Sniezhko traverso player
- Anna Stegmann home page
- Anna Stegmann on youtube
- Anna Stegmann la suave melodia
- Alexandra Nepomnyashchaya harpsichord
- Anna Stegmann D. Castello: Ottava Sonata
- Anna Stegmann - B. de Selma y Salaverde
- Anna Stegmann - G.A. Cima: Capriccio
- Linde Brunmayr-Tutz
- Washingtom McClain oboe Chauvon
- Danile Bates Oboe
- Amanda Markwick advice for beginners
- Jesse Lepkoff
- Winnie Bugge Fandsen
- Karl Kaiser
- Michaela Koudelková
- Michaela Koudelková Johann Joachim Quantz - Sonata d minor
- sféra ensemble
- Michael Lynn flute collection
- Michael Lynn Flutes
- Michael Lynn Original Flutes
- Fabulous Flutes from the 1600s-1800s with Amanda Markwick, Teddie Hwang, & Michael Lynnn
- Rick Wilson's Historical Flutes page
- Melissa Farrow instruments
- Emily Granger and Andrew Blanch perform Ravel
- the wren masters
- the wren masters
- Beaudin flute plans
- Pulchra es amica mea by Francesco Rognoni Genini Giulia
- Johanna Bartz renaissance flute
- Johanna Bartz and Mira Lange astrophil & stella Byrd - Sacred Muses
- Pourquoy doux Rossignol - Johanna Bartz
- Mira Lange harpsichord
- Kim Persson Swedish folk flute
- Nancy Hadden PhD about renaissance flutes
- Katja Pitelina
- Mary Oleskiewicz
- Mary Oleskiewicz on the Bach Flute Solo
- Mary Oleskiewicz paper on the Bach flute solo
- Mary Oleskiewicz paper on CPE Bach solo
- Emi Ferguson
- Na'ama Lion
- Mariya Miliutsina
- Mariya Miliutsina plays Philidor
- Sandy Miller
- Sandy Miller
- Sandy Miller plays Bach Partita
- Sandy Miller and James Richman
- Suzanne Stumpf
- Eleonora Biscevic
- Eleonora Biscevic
- Eleonora Biscevic
- Eleonora Biscevic flute and organ
- Alter Ego with Biscevec Arcangelo Corelli: Sonata op. 5 n. 4
- Alter Ego JC Bach sonata D
- Alter Ego - an Italian Gallery
- Greg Dikmans"
- Greg Dikmans"
- Van Eyck project
- Anne Pustlauk
- Jana Semerádová
- Joanna Marsden
- Joanna Marsden
Ensemble Poiesis Michel Lambert / Hotteterre – Goûtons un doux repos
- Sabine Dreier
- Melissa Farrow Blavet sonata in G maj op 2 nr 1
- Eve playing Hotteterre with La Fiocco
- Eve plays Bach with La Fiocco
- Eve Friedman plays Copland
- Eve plays recorder with Tempesta di Mare
- Eve plays flute with Tempesta di Mareno vieo
- Leslie Stroud plays Copland
- Aldo Bova - lessons
- Aldo Bova - Telemann 4
- Tabea Debus Recorder
- Fiona Kizzie Lee organetto and lute
- Fiona Kizzie Lee
- Fiona Kizzie Lee tabor and pipe
- Fiona Kizzie Lee and Maruša Brezavšček
- Gillian Guest plays pipe and tabor
- JS Bach - Sonata in b minor BWV 1030 - Presto - Les Musiciens de Saint-Julien François Lazarevitch
- Les Musiciens de Saint-Julien François Lazarevitch Doux Silence
- Voice flutes by Peter Bressan Heiko ter Schegget and Daniël Brüggen
- Frans Brüggen - Bach
- Silke Gwendolyn Schulze whistles, flutes, shawms
- Silke Gwendolyn Schulze tabor and pipe at 3:29
- Victoria - O Magnum Mysterium
- Teddie Hwang
- Teddie Hwang
- Teddie Hwang soundcloud
- Teddie Hwang LEMF Shapes
- Clare Beesley
- Clare Beesley plays Debussy
- Studio Fontegara recorder duet
- Jenna Sherry - daughter of friends
- Masterclass with Stephen Preston
- Bach Partita Corrente Alexis Kossenko
- Bach: Partita Corrente Brandon Patrick George
- Mary Oleskiewicz A New Look at the Bach Partita 1013 for Solo Flute
- Flute Partita in A Minor, BWV 1013: II. Corrente Barthold Kuijken
- Flute Partita in A Minor, BWV 1013: III. Sarabande Barthold Kuijken
- Flute Partita in A Minor, BWV 1013: IV. Bouree Anglaise Barthold Kuijken
- J. S: Bach: Solo in a minor BWV 1013 - Barthold Kuijken flute traversière
- J S Bach, Partita in A Minor, BWV 1013, II. Corrente Melanie Williams
- J S Bach, Partita in A Minor, BWV 1013, III. Sarabande Melanie Williams
- BACH - Partita in a minor BWV 1013 (2.Corrente) - Kossenko
- Bach BWZ 1013 for harpsichord Gustav Leonhardt
- J.S.Bach: Partita in A-minor, BWV 1013 I Sieglinde Größinger, Flauto Traverso
- Melanie Williams 1013 Allemande
- Melanie Williams 1013 Courante
- Infusion Baroque Trio Sonata No. 1 in G. minor by Elisabeth Claude Jacquet de la Guerre
- Stanley Black Capriccio
- Concerto di Liuto - Evangelina Mascardi
- Arcangelo Corelli, Sonata op.5 nr.4, 1er & 2do mov, Isidoro Roitman, liuto attiorbato Gabriela Galván, traverso
- Rondeau-Le plaintif, Gigue-L'Italienne, Jacques-Martin Hotteterre, Gabriela Galván, baroque flute / traverso Isidoro Roitman, theorbo / tiorba
- Gabrielle Rubio - Bach
- "Muscle Shoals" (The River that Sings) 50 minutes into this
- Tab-FunkenwerkMicrophone Transformers
- Oktava MC/MK-012 Modification
- D.A.V. Electronics preamp
- Voces8 Sicut Cervus by Palestrina
- Francesco Gasparini - 6 Concerts
- Roberta Invernizzi & Auser Musici - JOHANN ADOLF HASSE
- ROBERTA INVERNIZZI live at Concertgebouw Amsterdam - Vivaldi: La fida ninfa (excerpts)
- Eva Skange - 9 copied baroque flutes
- Sheila Hornberger plays on an Aulos flute
- Ensemble Pseudonym
- ensemble feuervogel Fantasia - R. White
- ensemble feuervoge
- Quantz 1 Rachel Brown
- Quantz 2 Rachel Brown
- Telemann: Flute & Recorder Concerto - R. Brown, M. Tome n
- 3 Baroque flutes Rachel Brown
- feral flute Gwyneth Whistlewood
- Jig of Slurs Donald Maclean - Donella Beaton
- Down Home - Da Tushker/Miss Susan Cooper/Millbrae
- Flautistas René Lorente y Gustavo Cruz Cuban Charanga music
- Fantasia - R. White | ensemble feuervogel
- Laura Pou plays Varese
- Clara Guldberg Ravn recorder player
- Clara Guldberg Ravn Bach Corrente
- Julia Marion Bassoon
- Victoria Romann plays Debussy - Pour Invoquer Pan
- Sophie Westbrooke - J.S Bach Partita in A minor BWV 1013
- Nigel North plays Gaultier
- Kathrin Härtel (Blockflöte/recorder)
- Hourglass renaissance flutes
- Early Music poland Suzanne un jour
- Zweigulden Renaissance flute and drum
Courtly Renaissance dance (in costume!) with historical flute and drum | Ensemble Zweigulden
Holly Scarborough Ich sachz eyns mols – Glogauer Liederbuch, ENSEMBLE PARLAMENTO
more youtube clips
- Palisander Suite for Pipes - Ralph Vaughan Williams
- Tempesta di Mare Jean-Féry Rebel: Les Éléments loure — chaconne
- James Oswald: Airs for Four Seasons (arr Boland) — Jan Boland /Miera Kim/John Dowdall/Carey Bosti
- Angela Hewitt Little Prelude in D major, BWV 936 by J.S. Bach
- Flutes in situ Diverse bizzarie sopra la vecchia
- Flutes in situ - Collegiate Church of Sainte-Gertrude, Nivelles (E04). Sonata BWV 1015 Bach
- Flutes in situ J S BACH, Sonate BWV 1003 Allegro
- Flutes in situ - Collegiate Church of Sainte-Gertrude, Nivelles (E04). Sonata BWV 1015 Bach
- Ensemble Sirocco Nathalie Houtman, recorder J.S. Bach - Flute Sonata BWV 1034 - Andante
- Ensemble Sirocco Nathalie Houtman, recorder J.S. Bach Suite BWV 997 (Preludio - Fuga - Sarabanda - Giga)
- Ensemble Sirocco Nathalie Houtman, recorder Suite BWV 997 Prélude (orig. for Luth)
- Ensemble Sirocco Nathalie Houtman, recorder Suite BWV 997 gigue (orig. for Luth)Suite BWV 997 gigue (orig. for Luth)
- Ensemble Sirocco Nathalie Houtman, recorder J.S. Bach: Aria variata BWV 989 (transcription Sirocco)
- Ensemble Sirocco Nathalie Houtman, recorder J.S. Bach - Flute Sonata BWV 1030 - Presto / Allegro
- Taya König-Tarasevich - Flute VERITÀ Vol. 2
- Selva di Flauti - In Nomine - Christopher Tye
- Selva di Flauti - Lullabye
- Romanesca, frühes 17. Jahrhundert Johanna Steinborn - Schalmei
- Johanna Steinborn
- J.S. Bach, Sarabande no. 1 in G major, with Baroque Dance Stephanie Vial, cello
- Christoph Huntgeburth Amsterdam Concertgebouw, Händel, water music
- Ensemble for medieval music Laterna Magica
- Greensleeves to a Ground, performed by Fontanella Recorder Quintet
- William Byrd: Fantasia a 6 - For Instrumental Consort G minor No. 2
- Rondeau-Le plaintif, Gigue-L'Italienne, Jacques-Martin Hotteterre, Embouchure Isidoro Roitman
- Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767), Duet for two flutes A Major TWV 40:103, (1727)
- Il Me Souffit | Claudin de Sermisy | Liane Sadler & Elias Conrad
- Amorosetto Fiore | Madalena Casulana | Liane Sadler & Elias Conrad
- Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) Piano trio in D Major Hob.XV:16 I. Allegro
- Castello, Sonata Ottava: Sonate Concertate in Stil Moderno, Libro II - Ensemble La Notte
- CAMEO BAROQUE Part 1 - "A Joyful Offering"- Lebanon, New Hampshire on January 15, 2022
- CAMEO BAROQUE Part 2 "A Joyful Offering"
- Pignolet de Montéclair : La Bergère par Eva Zaïcik
- Brian McNeill 'The Lads O The Fair'
- Charley Higgins Bucks from the Mountains
- Soprano shawm - "Den tweeden ronde Mon ami", by Aline Hopchet
- Tomkinson's Schooldays Part 3 of 3
- Leuven Chansonnier ● En atendant vostre venue
- Irish flute posture
- Root Down - Molly Hartwell
- Balletti et correnti a due violini, violone, agionta la spineta: Corrente seconda "Various Artists"
- Jeune Orchestre Atlantique W. F. Bach - Sinfonia in D minor F 65
- Pasquale Grasso - Solitude (Official Video) ft. Samara Joy Guitar Jazz and Vocal
- Italian Renaissance Music - Cantar alla Viola
- Irene G. Roldán harpsichord
- Miejscówka z Dwójką | Cohaere Ensemble"
- Charlotte Schneider Queste saranno ben lagrime - PALESTRINA - Palestrina - renaissance flute
- KLEINKNECHT : Sonata VI - Adagio - Charlotte Schneider/Mélanie Flores
> Mélanie Flores Graun Sonata for flute and basso continuo in D major
- Sakura Javier Gelati Japanese folk tune
- Genticorum - Le Persuadeur french canadian dance music
- flutefling Elizabeth C Ford
- flutefling Elizabeth C Ford
- West Double Reed Company
- Uilleann pipe making guide
- Uilleann pipe reeds
- Ron Kirn Barn Casters
- Burnley and Trowbridge gift certificate
- Perplexity AI Search
This is my personal set of notes but you may find it useful too!
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