"The Math Life"

"The Math Life" is a documentary film by Wendy Conquest, Bob Drake , and Dan Rockmore , funded by the National Science Foundation, with help from the Dartmouth College Department of Mathematics

Why did a magician become a mathematician? How can a person see in four dimensions? What does a mathematical proof have in common with a Picasso portrait? "The Math Life" brings to life the human dimension of mathematics through lively interviews with Freeman Dyson, David Mumford, Ingrid Daubechies, Persi Diaconis, Michael Freedman, Fan Chung Graham, Kate Okikiolu, Jennifer Tour Chayes, Peter Sarnak, Steven Strogatz, and seven other mathematicians. These captivating luminaries vividly communicate the excitement and wonder that fuel their work as they explore the world through its patterns, shapes, motions, and probabilities. Computer animations and analogies drawn from the visual arts are incorporated, to maximize accessibility to the fascinating concepts discussed. A Wendy Conquest/Bob Drake/Dan Rockmore Production.


"The Math Life" is distributed by Films for the Humanities and Sciences


Here is a review of "The Math Life" from Educational Media Reviews Online (EMRO)


Here is an article on the making of "The Math Life", written for Connect magazine, a quarterly journal for math teachers. Here is an article on the making of "The Math Life", written for the MAA publication Math FORUM .

Public Television Air Dates:

"The Math Life" will be shown on a majority of the public television stations throughout the United States. Air dates vary according to the particular location and we will try to keep an updated list as the schedule crystallizes.

In addition, here is a list of other public televsion stations that have declared that they might broadcast "The Math Life". Once again, we will do our best to update this list as things develop.