DTS: Dartmouth Theory Seminars - Fall 2005

Fall 2005 Schedule

Oct 21 (Friday) Faith Fich, University of Toronto
How Difficult is it to Take a Snapshot?
Room: Carson L01
Time: 4pm - 5pm.
Oct 24 (Monday) Eugene Demidenko, Dartmouth College
Towards Global Minimum
Room: Carson L02
Time: 4pm - 5pm.


Faith Fich, University of Toronto
How Difficult is it to Take a Snapshot?

The atomic snapshot object is an important and well-studied primitive in distributed computing that allows processes to obtain a consistent view of an entire block of shared memory, even if updates are being performed concurrently. This talk will describe applications of this object, present some implementations of it from registers in both asynchronous and synchronous distributed systems, and discuss some recent lower bounds.

Eugene Demidenko, Dartmouth College
Towards Global Minimum

Global minimization is one of the hardest problems of computational mathematics. While several approaches to global minimization exist they are heuristic in nature. In this talk I concentrate on analytical aspects of minimization of a continuous function on a non-bounded set, say F(x). Specifically, I want to construct criteria that a found local minimum is the global one. The rationale is that (a) there are many algorithms for local minimization, such as gradient, Newton, conjugate gradient, (b) typically, the problem has few minima and quite likely the found minimum is the global one but we are not sure that it is the global one. It is impossible to construct a uniqueness criterion for general function, so the choice of a function family is crucial. I work with nonlinear least squares where F(x) is the squared distance between n-dimensional data vector y and regression function f(x) with n > m.

Discouraging theorem: for any given f there exists y for which the least squares problem has multiple local minima; moreover, the Lebegue measure of those y is positive.

We define function level sets that specify different properties of the function, from existence of the global minimum to local convexity, local unimodality and finally global unimodality. Our global minimum criteria use the curvature concept from differential geometry of the m-dimensional surface defined by function f(x). Seveal open problems are formuated.

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