DTS: Dartmouth Theory Seminars - Spring 2004

Spring 2004 Schedule

Apr 19 Adam Klivans, Harvard University
Learning Halfspaces: New Algorithms and Applications
Room: Carson L01
Time: 4pm - 5pm.
Apr 26 Graham Cormode, DIMACS, Rutgers University
Algorithms for Processing Massive Data at Network Line Speed
Room: Carson L01
Time: 4pm - 5pm.
May 10 Santosh Vempala, MIT
A Simple Polynomial-Time Rescaling Algorithm for Solving Linear Programs
Room: Moore B03
Time: 4pm - 5pm.


Adam Klivans, Harvard University
Learning Halfspaces: New Algorithms and Applications

Learning a halfspace is one of the oldest and most fundamental tasks in machine learning. It is the essential underlying algorithm for many systems used by practitioners from fields such as artificial intelligence, statistics, and computational biology to classify data. In this talk we will give several new approaches for learning halfspaces and describe surprising algorithmic applications.

First, we will show that learning a halfspace in high dimensions yields fast algorithms for learning Boolean concept classes such as DNF formulae, one of the major challenges in computational learning theory. To this end we will show how to obtain the fastest known DNF learning algorithm.

Secondly, we will describe two new algorithms for learning intersections of halfspaces. Intersections of halfspaces are a powerful concept class; any convex body can be expressed as an intersection of halfspaces, and little is known about the complexity of learning the intersection of even two halfspaces. We give the first polynomial-time algorithms for learning the intersection of any constant number of halfspaces assuming either a margin separating positive points from negative points or that the points are chosen uniformly at random.

Graham Cormode, DIMACS, Rutgers University
Algorithms for Processing Massive Data at Network Line Speed

Many fundamental data mining problems gain additional complexity when applied to massive amounts data that is being generated at high speed. Networks are a driving force in massive data analysis, and require new approaches to produce the analyses network managers require. This motivates the data stream approach: using a small amount of space to process data very quickly in one pass. This has resulted in many strong and deep algorithmic results in this model of computation. But there is frequently a gap between theory and practice, since existing algorithms are too slow for typical high data rates by several orders of magnitude.

I will describe my recent work aimed at bridging the gap. Firstly, I will describe the Count-Min sketch, which is a simple and hence fast data structure that can be used to approximate entries of a high dimensional vector in very small space. It can be used as a "black box" to solve several problems, including finding frequent items, and quantiles of the data distribution, and gives provable guarantees about their results. Secondly, I will describe and analyze a solution to the change detection problem, where the aim is to identify items (e.g., IP addresses) whose behavior has changed between two periods. Both these methods have been implemented and are running on network data at network line speeds with high accuracy.

Joint work with S. Muthukrishnan.

Santosh Vempala, MIT
A Simple Polynomial-Time Rescaling Algorithm for Solving Linear Programs

The perceptron algorithm, developed mainly in the machine learning literature, is a simple greedy method for finding a feasible solution to a linear program (alternatively, for learning a linear threshold function). In spite of its exponential worst-case complexity, it is often quite useful, in part due to its noise-tolerance and its overall simplicity. In this talk, we show that a randomized version of the perceptron algorithm with periodic rescaling runs in polynomial-time. The resulting method for solving linear programms has an elementary description and analysis. The talk will not assume prior knowledge of linear programs.

Joint work with John Dunagan (Microsoft Research).

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