May 2 (Monday) | Iordanis Kerenidis, MIT Quantum multiparty communication complexity and circuit lower bounds Room: Fairchild 101 Time: 4pm - 5pm. |
May 9 (Monday) | Lisa Fleischer, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center How to Influence Noncooperative, Selfish Agents Room: Fairchild 101 Time: 4pm - 5pm. |
May 19 (Thursday) |
Seth Pettie, Max Planck Institut für Informatik Approximating Shortest Paths with Purely Additive Spanners Room: Fairchild 101 Time: 4pm - 5pm. |
June 13 (Monday) |
Maurice Herlihy, Microsoft Research and Brown University Virtual Transactional Memory Room: Moore B03 Time: 3pm - 4pm. |
July 19 (Tuesday) |
Cliff Stein, Columbia University Secure Network Coding via Filtered Secret Sharing Room: Moore B03 Time: 2pm - 3pm. |
Iordanis Kerenidis, MIT
Quantum multiparty communication complexity and circuit lower bounds
We define a quantum analog of the classical communication complexity model of the "Number on the forehead". We describe a connection to circuit depth lower bounds and reduce a classical question on the power of the class ACC_0 to a question about a quantum communication lower bound in the above model. Moreover, we show an exponential separation for a total function between classical and quantum communication in this model.
Lisa Fleischer, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center The societal value of a distribution of finite resources is
frequently measured in terms of of aggregate utility. Decisions,
however, are frequently controlled by noncooperative agents who try to
maximize their own private utility. Papadimitriou coined the term
"price of anarchy" to refer to the ratio of social utility achieved by
selfish agents versus the social optimal. In network routing games, the price of anarchy can be arbitrarily
bad. We review these results, and then describe some solutions to
prevent this bad outcome. These include charging users for network
use; and managing a small portion of traffic wisely. Some of these
results carry over to more general congestion games.
Seth Pettie, Max Planck Institut für Informatik An additive k-spanner of a graph is a subgraph whose distance
metric approximates that of the original graph to within an additive
error of k. (Graphs are undirected and unweighted). It is known that
every graph contains an additive 2-spanner with O(n^{3/2}) edges and
that this bound is tight. Until the present work no other additive
spanners were known and their existence was very much in doubt. In this talk I'll discuss a completely new approach to computing
spanners based on an economics inspired view of the problem. Our
primary result is that every graph contains an additive 6-spanner with
O(n^{4/3}) edges. The same method is used to prove several lesser
Maurice Herlihy, Microsoft Research and Brown University Computer architecture is about to undergo, if not another
revolution, then a vigorous shaking-up. The major chip manufacturers
have, for the time being, simply given up trying to make processors
run faster. Instead, they have recently started shipping "multicore"
architectures in which multiple processors (cores) communicate
directly through shared hardware caches, providing increased
concurrency instead of increased clock speed. Because conventional lock-based synchronization has well-known
limitations, a number of researchers have investigated hardware
support for non-blocking transactions. Preliminary results suggest
that such "hardware transactional memory" can achieve high
performance while avoiding many of the limitations of lock-based
mechanisms. Nevertheless, current hardware proposals require programmers to be
aware of platform-specific resource limitations such as buffer sizes,
scheduling quanta, as well as events such as page faults, and process
migrations. These constraints are unacceptable if transactional memory
is to become widely used. This talk describes Virtual Transactional Memory (VTM), a
user-transparent system that shields the programmer from
platform-specific resource limitations in much the same way that
virtual memory shields the programmer from the limitations of physical
memory. Joint work with Ravi Rajwar and Konrad Lai at Intel.
Cliff Stein, Columbia University We study the problem of using a multicast network code to transmit
information securely in the presence of a "wire-tap" adversary who can
eavesdrop on a bounded number of network edges. We establish a close
connection between secure linear network coding and a new variant of
the secret sharing problem, which we call "filtered secret sharing."
Using this connection, we establish new trade-offs between security,
capacity, and bandwidth of secure linear network coding schemes. Our positive results show that by giving up a small amount of
capacity, it is possible to dramatically reduce the bandwidth
requirements of secure linear network coding. Our negative results
show that within the framework we consider, unless capacity is
relaxed, the bandwidth requirements can be prohibitively high. These
results are obtained by showing that the problem of making a linear
network code secure is equivalent to the problem of finding a linear
error-correcting code with certain generalized distance properties.
Joint work with Jon Feldman, Tal Malkin and Rocco Servedio.
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How to Influence Noncooperative, Selfish Agents
Approximating Shortest Paths with Purely Additive Spanners
Virtual Transactional Memory
Secure Network Coding via Filtered Secret Sharing