RATING NAME SUMMARY GAME BY GAME (MyScore:OppScore) ------ ----------------------- ------- ------------------------------- 2042 Jeremiah Mead 1-1 286:483 400:366 2036 Joel Sherman 3-2 354:406 415:392 493:368 375:399 407:375 2013 Joe Edley 2-0 466:311 470:368 1990 Robert Felt 2-3 342:507 358:340 427:387 398:448 400:417 1981 Joey Mallick 4-2 378:472 453:355 402:388 457:373 424:353 316:486 1979 Robin Pollock Daniel 0-1 319:457 1976 Matt Graham 1-2 339:398 413:392 310:395 1973 Chris Cree 1-1 417:421 440:363 1972 Brian Cappelletto 0-1 348:372 1968 Panupol Sujjayakorn 1-0 507:330 1960 Randy Greenspan 2-2 436:331 474:368 363:391 393:398 1956 Randy Hersom 0-1 402:457 1951 Ron Tiekert 1-1 394:505 435:335 1944 Joe Weinike 4-4 310:466 386:372 307:419 387:334 462:292 350:529 354:393 476:386 1943 Sam Kantimathi 0.5-2.5 375:375 ???:??? 348:411 1938 John Luebkemann 1-0 481:342 1934 Tim Adamson 0-1 317:366 1931 Paul Epstein 1-0 419:383 1927 Rich Baker 1-1 455:343 373:392 1927 Avi Moss 1-2 308:437 349:452 468:317 1926 Lloyd Mills 1-0 391:376 1918 Edward Halper 1-3 363:395 304:462 397:336 298:390 1915 Daniel Goldman 1-1 500:262 344:365 1913 Lisa Odom 0-1 447:453 1908 Jerry Lerman 0-1 355:397 1907 Marlon Hill 0-1 356:374 1905 David Weisberg 0-3 266:530 383:419 309:437 1894 Ian Weinstein 1-1 484:403 393:403 1889 Jan Dixon 6-4 409:412 ???:??? 400:393 362:413 514:334 405:371 584:257 424:383 325:413 452:313 1885 Matthew Laufer 0-3 358:527 355:479 401:429 1885 Jim Geary 0-1 297:412 1883 Rod Macneil 2-2 402:325 406:399 354:430 289:526 1882 Dominic Grillo 2-3 362:590 438:266 469:332 378:458 376:459 1881 Komol Panyasoponlert 0-1 392:443 1877 Marjorie Schoneboom 2-3 409:415 352:491 349:407 502:245 436:370 1875 Steve Saul 1-0 354:329 1867 Steve Polatnick 1-0 406:387 1865 Jim Nanavati 1-0 430:368 1863 Robert Linn 0-1 322:394 1862 Rita Norr 2-2 425:386 356:419 472:313 378:406 1859 Jeremy Goard 1-0 370:342 1854 Pakorn Nemitrmansuk 0-1 335:359 1853 Steve Pfeiffer 0-1 307:394 1852 Frank Tangredi 2-0 419:331 392:373 1852 Darrell Day 0-1 322:485 1851 Rusty Peltz 0-1 384:436 1851 Lynn Cushman 3-4 379:374 392:386 366:350 397:472 342:386 329:382 296:534 1849 Larry Sherman 2-1 363:458 405:308 466:351 1847 Peter Armstrong 0-1 373:441 1845 Sal Piro 4-3 411:332 388:499 222:547 438:354 486:327 339:354 435:376 1845 Gordon Shapiro 1-1 260:398 419:407 1842 Taewan Sutthasin 1-0 511:320 1839 Stuart Goldman 0-2 414:424 383:441 1830 Scott Appel 2-0 355:331 446:366 1828 Martin Smith 1-0 379:355 1816 Judy Horn 2-1 447:320 301:423 422:350 1815 Zev Kaufman 1-0 436:347 1814 Richard Senzel 0-1 364:399 1813 Paul Avrin 3-2 281:479 391:366 463:348 309:458 441:329 1813 Howard Greenspan 2-2 466:311 333:396 437:351 399:415 1812 Louis Schecter 1-0 448:344 1809 Rose Kreiswirth 2-0 337:308 452:329 1809 Joel Horn 1-3 315:394 396:501 278:462 440:363 1808 Mark Milan 0-1 326:475 1807 Richard Buck 1-0 490:328 1799 Mark Przybyszewski 1-0 424:352 1797 Craig Rowland 2-0 408:395 418:362 1795 David Lipschutz 0-1 338:347 1794 John Terrell 1-0 492:325 1793 Larry Rand 1-0 402:393 1790 Ed Neugroschl 0-2 336:426 332:454 1783 Roy Kamen 0-1 376:427 1772 Michael Baker 0-2 353:356 287:406 1772 Jeremy Frank 1-3 376:380 300:392 429:348 419:433 1771 Steve Oliger 1-1 445:416 317:393 1767 Arnie Horowitz 0-1 339:415 1753 Elaine Patterson 4-1 423:334 543:384 418:371 291:426 456:363 1742 Steve Pellinen 1-0 524:268 1740 Verna Richards Berg 2-2 419:427 337:481 405:382 414:313 1732 Steve Haraske 0-1 334:361 1729 Noel Livermore 2-0 491:234 446:402 1713 Thomas M. Hall 0-1 377:407 1706 John Scalzo 1-0 409:368 1687 Vicki Kahn 1-1 396:475 472:320 1682 Diane Firstman 1-0 414:398 1681 Bobbie Butterfield 1-0 435:376 1680 Jamie McCune 0-3 310:450 349:408 409:421 1674 Bruce Adams 1-0 434:281 1670 Mark Berg 0.5-0.5 346:346 1669 Judy Steward 1-0 397:321 1668 Ann Sanfedele 1-0 463:322 1652 Maurice Decanio 1-0 453:347 1649 Keith Hagel 1-0 378:355 1649 Ed Hepner 1-0 563:292 1649 Dee Jackson 1-0 420:345 1640 Douglas Hoylman 1-0 339:313 1636 Sary Karanofsky 1-0 485:314 1630 Arthur Doreson 1-0 502:292 1610 Scott Pianowski 0-1 330:421 1606 Trevor Sealy 1-0 488:383 1595 Linda Espallardo 1-0 381:264 1592 John Venditti 0-1 323:477 1590 Sheree Bykofsky 1-0 423:250 1580 Gordon Richardson 1-0 468:238 1574 Stefan Fatsis 1-0 398:293 1557 Tom Kelly 1-0 466:283 1556 Wendy Littman 1-0 404:328 1541 Ann Mirabito 1-0 344:322 1540 Marie Puma 1-0 392:372 1535 Gregg Foster 1-0 457:331 1518 Jerry Silberman 1-0 422:264 1502 Joan Kelly 1-0 405:390 1501 Annette Tedesco 1-0 520:296 1422 Maddalena Palazzo 1-0 430:280 1402 Woody Chen 1-0 410:316
Unfortunately, there seem to be two scoresheets of mine that have gone missing. Hence, the two blank spaces above. Until I find them, I'll simply exclude those two games in computing averages.
Number of games : 228 My average score : 395.11 Opponent's average score: 383.44