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Computer Science
Dartmouth College

Computer Science 231
Advanced Algorithms

Amit Chakrabarti

Spring 2016

Administrative Details


Please typeset your homework solutions, ideally using LaTeX, so that your math and pseudocode are rendered neatly. If you are new to LaTeX you may find that typesetting takes up quite a bit of time at first, so plan accordingly. Trust me that your career will benefit greatly from your learning this important skill. To get you started using LaTeX for this course, here is a small template document that shows off several useful features. You should be able to compile it (use pdflatex) to produce this PDF document.

Please submit all homework electronically, in PDF format.

A few important notes on the homework assignments:

Late Submission Policy

You have three free "late days" for the entire term. If you decide to use one of these, please email the TA saying something like "I want to use one of my free late days for Homework 4". You don't have to give a reason. The flip side of this policy is that once you have used up three late days, any further late homework submissions will not be accepted.

Homework Grading

Each homework problem will be worth 7 points, even though some problems may be harder than others. Our grading guidelines are as follows.

In all cases too many typos, flaws in grammar or excessive length (as indicated under "6 points" and "5 points" above) may cause 1 or 2 points to be taken off.

Working Together and the Honor Principle

Students are encouraged to work together to do homework problems. Groups who work well together in class should consider working together to do homework. What is important is a student's eventual understanding of homework problems, and not how that is achieved.

The honor principle applies to homework in the following way. What a student turns in as a homework solution is to be his or her own understanding of how to do the problem. The following are the only sources that may be consulted in learning how to solve homework problems.

  • Any materials handed out in class or posted on the course website.
  • Textbooks on the theory of computation (not limited to the official textbook for this course).
  • The student's own course notes.
  • The course notes of other students, but not drafts or final versions of solutions to problems.
  • General-purpose encyclopedic websites such as Wikipedia and MathWorld. However, online solutions to any problems/exercises on the course's subject material may not be consulted.
  • Additionally, at this learning stage, discussion with fellow students is encouraged. Discussion with the course staff is also encouraged, but only after the student has made an attempt to solve the problem on their own.

    While preparing the final draft of homework solutions to be handed in, more restrictive conditions apply. At this stage, the following are the only sources that may be consulted.

  • Any materials handed out in class or posted on the course website.
  • Textbooks on the theory of computation (not limited to the official textbook for this course).
  • The student's own course notes.
  • In all cases, students must state what sources they have consulted, with whom they have collaborated, and from whom they have received help.

    The honor principle applies to exams as follows. Students may not give or receive assistance of any kind on an exam from any person, including the professor.

    Students with Disabilities

    Students with disabilities enrolled in this course and who may need disability-related classroom accommodations are encouraged to make an appointment with the professor to discuss the matter, by Apr 11, 2016. All discussions will remain confidential, although the Student Accessibility Services office may be consulted to discuss appropriate implementation of any accommodation requested.
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