Course Description
This course will cover fundamental mathematical foundations required for computer science, arising in many algorithms, concepts, and techniques.
We will begin with an overview of mathematical notation and the basic concepts of sets, functions, and relations. We will then study logic, proof techniques, combinatorics (counting), probability, and the beginnings of graph theory. By the end of this course, you will have become familiar with a number of discrete structures that are used throughout computer science.
The main purpose of this course is for you to become comfortable with mathematical thinking that allows you to write clean, logical, proofs.
Administrative Information
- Instructor
- Amit Chakrabarti |
Sudikoff 107 | Office hours: Mon 9:00-11:00
- Teaching Assistants
- Suman Kalyan Bera |
Sudikoff 115 | Office hours: Mon 18:00-20:00
- Sagar Kale |
Sudikoff 115 | Office hours: Tue 18:00-20:00
- Zhao Tian |
Sudikoff 219 | Office hours: Wed 9:00-11:00
- Getting Help
- Primary method: piazza
- Only under exceptional circumstances: cs30-help@cs.dartmouth...
- Textbooks (recommended but not required)
- Lehman, Leighton, and Meyer. Mathematics for Computer Science (May 2014 revision; Ebook).
- Kenneth Rosen. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (Seventh Edition).
Grading and Policies
Grading Scheme
Weekly homeworks (25%); two evening midterms (40%); final exam (33%); quizzes (2%)
Homework and Exam Schedule
Homework given out each Friday, due next Thursday 11:59pm
(Exception: due Friday 11:59pm on the two midterm weeks)
Midterm 1: Thu Oct 9, 18:00-21:00 (Silsby 028)
Midterm 2: Thu Nov 6, 18:00-21:00 (Silsby 028)
Final exam: Sun Nov 23, 11:30-14:30 (LSC 100)
Late Submissions
Each student has 3 free late days to be used for homework assignment
over the course of the term as he/she likes. Once these days are used
up, any homework turned in late will be returned ungraded (and earn a
score of 0). No exceptions! Any portion of a late day is
counted as one full day (i.e., even one minute late counts as a full
day, no exceptions!). Homework can only be turned in electronically,
via canvas.
Regrading Policy
If you are unsure why you lost points on a homework or exam problem,
or feel that the grader made a mistake, you must act before the
resolution deadline for that homework/exam. The resolution
deadline for a homework is the submission deadline of the next homework.
The resolution deadlines for Midterm 1, Midterm 2, and Homework 8 are
11:59pm on Oct 16, Nov 13, and Nov 18 respectively. Before the
resolution deadline you must first contact the relevant
grader(s) and try to resolve the matter with them. If you are unable to
resolve the matter at this step, you may (optionally) make a formal
regrade request. This must be made within 12 hours of the
resolution deadline. To make such a request you must email the course
staff (cs30-help@cs.dartmouth...) with a subject line that says
something like "Formal regrade request for HW1", give evidence of having
tried to resolve the matter with the graders, and say why you still feel
something is wrong. The professor will then make a final determination.
Be aware that if you make a formal regrade request then the
professor may regrade your entire homework and the professor
typically has stricter standards than the graders.
No-Laptop/No-Phone Policy
We have a firm no-laptop/no-phone policy in class. Texting, sleeping
or engaging in other activities unrelated to the lecture is also
forbidden. This policy will be strictly enforced so as to encourage
active participation by all students and to avoid distracting people
that are focusing on the lecture. If you come to class you are expected
to obey this policy. A penalty of 5% will be applied to the final grade
every time this policy is violated. (Please read this article to better
understand this policy.)
Academic Integrity
When working on homework problems, you may collaborate and discuss with the course staff and other students enrolled in this term's offering of this course (and not with any other persons). However, when you prepare the final draft of your solutions, you must work entirely by yourself and write answers in your own words. At the top of your submission, you must list all people you collaborated with, received help from, or gave help to. If you did the entire homework on your own, you must state that in writing.
When working on homework problems, you may consult this course's website, any handouts given out in class, discussions on this course's piazza forum, the two recommended textbooks for this course, and your own notes. Consulting any other sources is forbidden, unless the professor has made an exception in writing.
The exams in this course are closed-book and closed-notes, except that each student is allowed to bring in a one-page "cheat sheet" (you may write/print on both sides of the page). The contents of the cheat sheet must be prepared by you on your own and you must submit the cheat sheet along with the exam. Consulting any other sources is forbidden. Giving and receiving help is forbidden, except that you may ask the course staff for clarifications.
These rules will be strictly enforced and any violation will be treated with the utmost seriousness.