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Computer Science
Dartmouth College

Computer Science 31

Amit Chakrabarti

Spring 2013

[ Announcements | Administrative Basics | Schedule and Homeworks | Exams | Grades Database ]

Course Description

This course is about the art of designing efficient algorithms for a wide range of fundamental computational tasks and the science of proving the correctness of such algorithms and formally analyzing their time complexity.

The course will introduce the following basic design paradigms: divide-and-conquer, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, amortized analysis, and randomization. The computational tasks studied will span several domains. These include sorting and order statistics, computing with integers and number-theoretic algorithms, algorithms on graphs, and geometric algorithms.

Writing mathematical proofs will be required throughout this course. Students are expected to have previous experience with writing proofs. Taking CS 30 will provide this experience.

Students will be expected to be experienced programmers before taking this course, so that they are able to reason about algorithms/code at a high level without seeing actual lines of code in front of them. Taking the CS 1CS 10 sequence will provide this experience.


Administrative Basics

Important! Please also read and familiarize yourself with the administrative details not covered in the outline below. Pay special attention to the section that describes how the honor code applies to this course; violations of the honor code will be treated seriously.


LSC 205 | 10 hour | Mon-Wed-Fri 10:00-11:05, X-hr Thu 12:00-12:50

Amit Chakrabarti
Sudikoff 107 | 6-1710 | Office hours: Mon 1:30–2:30, Fri 11:15–12:15, or by appointment
Teaching Assistants

Hanh Nguyen
Sudikoff 114 | Office hours: Sun 2:00–4:00, or by appointment
Elaine Levey
Sudikoff 114 | Office hours: Mon 3:00–5:00, or by appointment


   "Introduction to Algorithms", Third Edition.   Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein.
Suggested additional:
   "Algorithm Design",   Kleinberg and Tardos.


Both CS 10 and CS 30.
The reasons are explained in the Course Description.
You must meet the professor in person to request a prerequisite waiver.


One homework per week. [20 points]
Two in-class quizzes. [20 points]
Two in-class evening midterms. [30 points]
One take-home final exam. [30 points]

Please take note of the late homework policy. It will be enforced, strictly.

Schedule, Homeworks, Exams

This is a work in progress. The dates for the quizzes, the evening midterms and due dates for the homework sets and the final exam are now fixed as shown below. This schedule will be updated frequently. Please check back often, and please remember to RELOAD to get the latest schedule.

The schedule is subject to change, with minimal notice. Especially, greyed-out entries should be considered tentative.

Please be sure to read and understand the Homework Grading Guidelines and the Late Submission Policy.

Official solutions to homeworks and exams (hard-copy only) will be given out when graded work is returned.

Lecture Number
and Date



Topics Covered in
This Lecture

1 Mar 25 Welcome; Administrivia; Historical examples: Euclid, Gauss, Gale-Shapley  
2 Mar 27 2.1, 2.2 Basic analysis: bubble sort and insertion sort; Mathematical induction
3 Mar 28 (X-hr) 2.2, 3.1, 3.2 RAM model; Asymptotic notation
4 Mar 29 2.3
Merge sort and analysis; More mathematical induction
5 Apr 1
Divide-and-Conquer; Binary search; Inversions; Majority
6 Apr 3 4.2 HW1
Karatsuba integer multiplication; Strassen matrix multiplication
7 Apr 4 (X-hr) 4.3–4.6
Master theorem; Akra-Bazzi theorem
8 Apr 5 9.3
9 Apr 8 33.4
Closest pair
10 Apr 10 16.1, 16.2 HW2
Greedy algorithms: interval selection
11 Apr 11 (X-hr)
Formal proof of correctness for greedy interval selection
12 Apr 12 22.1
Graph, trees, and their representations
12 Apr 15 23.1, 23.2
Kruskal MST [Evening Midterm #1, 5:00–7:00 in LSC 200]
13 Apr 17 23.1, 23.2 HW3
Kruskal proof of correctness; Importance of data structures
  Apr 18 (X-hr) Not used | Video homework: Lecture 5 "GRAPH SEARCH & DIJKSTRA'S ALGORITHM"
14 Apr 19 22.2, 24.3
DFS; BFS; Dijkstra
15 Apr 22 Ch. 6
Heaps; Heap sort; Priority queues
  Apr 24 HW4
Cancelled by Administration | Video homework: Lecture 8 "MINIMUM SPANNING TREES"
  Apr 25 (X-hr)
[Quiz 1, in class]
16 Apr 26
Heap sort; Correctness of Dijkstra
17 Apr 29 23.2, 24.1
Prim MST; Bellman-Ford
18 May 1 Ch. 25 HW5
Dynamic programming: weighted interval selection; Floyd-Warshall
19 May 2 (X-hr) 15.2, 15.3
Matrix chain product
20 May 3 15.4
Longest common subsequence (LCS)
21 May 6 7.1 – 7.3
Randomization; Quicksort and Selection [Evening Midterm #2, 5:00–7:00 in LSC 200]
22 May 8 9.2 HW6
Conditional expectation; Analysis of Selection
23 May 9 (X-hr) 7.4
Linearity of expectation; Analysis of Quicksort
24 May 10
Min cut; Karger's algorithm
25 May 13 17.1--17.3
Amortized analysis: multi-pop stacks, binary counters
26 May 15 19.1--19.3 HW7
Fibonacci heaps (slides)
  May 16 (X-hr)
[Quiz 2, in class]
27 May 17 19.4, 21.1
Fibonacci heaps (continued); Union-find; Path compression
28 May 20 21.2--21.4
Analysis of path compression
29 May 22  
Max flow; Ford-Fulkerson
  May 23 (X-hr) Not used
30 May 24 HW8
Analysis of Ford-Fulkerson; Edmonds-Karp
  May 27
Memorial Day
31 May 29
Review and discussion of unresolved Homework problems
Deadline Jun 3 Take-home 48-hour final exam, due at 5:00pm sharp
The final exam website is now closed.

About the Exams

Quizzes will be held in class. They will be closed-book and closed-notes. Students must not consult any sources at all when working on a quiz.

Evening Midterms will be held from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. on the days and at the locations marked in the above schedule. These will be open book and open notes. A student may consult the official textbook, any materials handed out in class, his or her own notes, and his or her own graded homework and previous exams/quizzes. No other sources may be consulted. Pay attention to the honor code.

The Final Exam will be available on this website (login required) on the last day of classes. It will be a take-home exam and must be submitted within 48 hours of downloading (very specific instructions will be included in the exam). This exam will be open book and open notes. A student may consult the official textbook, any materials handed out in class, his or her own notes, and his or her own graded homework and previous exams/quizzes. No other sources may be consulted. Pay attention to the honor code.

Grades Database

If you are a registered student, you may verify your grades as entered in our database using the form below.

Your name, without initials or suffixes:
Your CS 31 password:

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