CS 33 (Spring 2010): Homework 2: Working with SQL

Deadline: 10:00pm sharp on April 19, 2010

Please read through this page entirely and carefully, before beginning your work.

SQL Problems

  1. Solve Problem 3.11 (a), (b) and (d) from the textbook. For part (b), you may assume that there are only two semesters each year — "Spring" and "Fall" — and that Spring is before Fall.
    [3 + 3 + 4 points]

  2. Solve all parts of Problem 3.15 from the textbook.
    [4 + 4 + 4 points]

  3. Referring to the same schema as in the above problem, write an SQL query to list all customers who have at most one account at the "Perryridge" branch.
    [5 points]

  4. Referring to the same schema again, write a sequence of SQL data modification statements that achieve effect of closing the "North Town" branch of this bank and merging all its assets into the "Perryridge" branch. You will need to update multiple tables. Your solution (a) should not assume anything about what cities "North Town" and "Perryridge" are located in, and (b) should not use the MySQL feature of user-defined variables.
    [10 points]

  5. Solve Problem 3.16 (c), (d) and (e) from the textbook. For part (e), note that the size of the payroll of a company is defined to be the total salary it pays out.
    [5 + 5 + 5 points]

  6. Solve Problem 3.24 from the textbook.
    [8 points]

  7. Revisit HW1, Part 2, Problem 3 (the one about actors and films). Write an SQL script to solve the same problem. Specifically, your script should create three tables named "actor", "film", and "actor_film" with appropriate schemas, populate these tables by reading in the contents of the respective three files in ~cs33/data/ and then execute a sequence of queries (possibly just one query) so that the output of the final query is a table satisfying the following properties. (1) The two columns of the table contain the desired actor names and film names, as per the statement of HW1, Part 2, Problem 3. (2) Each actor is paired with each film they appear in. (3) The rows are ordered by actor IDs first, and film IDs next; thus, all rows featuring a particular actor should appear adjacently. Once again, note that no IDs should be shown in your output.
    [20 points]

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