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Computer Science
Dartmouth College

Computer Science 39
Theory of Computation

Amit Chakrabarti

Fall 2007

Final Examination

Use the form below to download the final exam. When you do so, the time at which you downloaded it will be recorded. Your exam is due either 48 hours after you download it for the first time or at 6:00pm sharp on Monday, Dec 10, 2007, whichever comes earlier. Thus, the latest that you can start the exam and still have a full 48 hours to work on it is 6:00pm on Dec 8.

Please note the following important rules about the exam:

This exam has a hint purchasing system, that works as follows.

To download the exam or purchase a hint, use the form below

Your name, without initials or suffixes:
Your CS 39 password:

I would like to purchase the hint for:
I have read and understood the details of the hint purchasing system.

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