Final Examination
Use the form below to download the final exam. When you do so, the
time at which you downloaded it will be recorded. Your exam is due
either 48 hours after you download it for the first time or at
5:00pm sharp on Wednesday, Mar 14, 2012, whichever comes earlier.
Thus, the latest that you can start the exam and still have a full 48
hours to work on it is 5:00pm on Mar 12.
Please note the following important rules about the exam:
- The exam is open book and open notes. You may consult the
textbook, materials posted to the course website, official homework
solutions handed out in Winter 2012, and {\bf your own} lecture notes
and graded homeworks and quizzes. Consulting any other sources (e.g.,
other books or websites, someone else's notes, handouts from a
previous year, etc.) is a violation of the Honor Code.
- You may not discuss this exam in any detail whatsoever with
anyone, until 5:00pm on March 14, 2012 . However, you may ask the
professor questions on the course's material, so long as it is
independent of the exam itself. If in doubt, just ask.
This exam has a hint purchasing system, that works as
- In case you find yourself completely stuck on a problem, you
might want to consider purchasing the hint for that problem. If you
do so, your score for that problem will then be halved.
- Use this feature wisely; hints are expensive. I suggest
that you purchase a hint only when you feel that you have made almost no
progress on a problem.
- Before purchasing a hint, you should first judge whether you have
enough time left to work on the problem after seeing the hint.
- Please note that the hints have been prepared in advance and
cannot be customized.
To download the exam or purchase a hint, use the form below