
This short assignment gets you up and running with Java/IntelliJ IDEA, and also takes care of some bureaucratic items.


  1. Q1: Take the course survey (link posted on the SA-0 assignment on Canvas) so that we get to know you and can assign you to a section. Do this ASAP as it's independent of the programming bit, and lets us start figuring things out.
  2. Q2: Join Slack as written in the Gradescope instructions for SA-0.
  3. Q3: Read fully the syllabus.
  4. Q4-A: Install Java, IntelliJ IDEA, and JavaCV as described.
  5. Q4-B: Create a new class called "SA0" that does whatever you want it to do, from as simple as printing a message to as complex as simulating the universe. Take a screen shot of your program in action.

Submission Instructions

Access SA-0 through Canvas, which will redirect you to Gradescope.