import*; import java.util.*; /** * Searches for a query word or set of words (not a phrase) in a set of documents * * Example Shakespeare files obtained from Project Gutenberg ( and stripped down to the public domain text * * @author Chris Bailey-Kellogg, Dartmouth CS 10, Winter 2014, extending an idea by CBK and Haris Baig, Fall 2012 * @author CBK, Spring 2015, comparator * @author Tim Pierson, CS 10, Winter 2017 -- added minor comments * @author Tim Pierson, Dartmouth CS10, provided for Winter 2024 * */ public class Search { private static final String directory = "inputs/shakespeare"; // where all the files are Map> file2WordCounts; // filename -> (map word -> count) // that is, for each file, for each word that it has, how many times it appears Map numWords; // filename -> # words Map totalCounts; // word -> count, total over all files Map numFiles; // word -> # files containing it Search() { // Constructor, initialize Maps file2WordCounts = new TreeMap>(); numWords = new TreeMap(); totalCounts = new TreeMap(); numFiles = new TreeMap(); } /** * Loads the word->count map from the file (like UniqueWordsCounts, but from a file) */ void loadFile(File file) throws Exception { Map wordCounts = new TreeMap(); // Loop over lines BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String line; int n=0; // # words while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { // Loop over all the words split out of the string, adding to map or incrementing count String[] words = line.toLowerCase().split("\\W+"); // this says to split by one or more non-word characters for (String word: words) { if (word.isEmpty()) continue; if (wordCounts.containsKey(word)) { // Increment the count wordCounts.put(word, wordCounts.get(word)+1); //get returns null if key not found } else { // Add the new word wordCounts.put(word, 1); } n++; } } in.close(); file2WordCounts.put(file.getName(), wordCounts); // maps filename -> word -> count numWords.put(file.getName(), n); // maps filename -> number of words } /** * Sums the word counts and file counts over the various files */ void computeTotals() { // Loop through all file names in file2WordCounts to create a set of words in *all* files and how many files each word appears in for (String file : file2WordCounts.keySet()) { //keySet() is an iterator consisting of file names // Look at all the words in that file Map wordCounts = file2WordCounts.get(file); for (String word : wordCounts.keySet()) { // first record how many times each word is seen in all files if (totalCounts.containsKey(word)) { // have seen this word before, add how many times it appeared in this file to counts from previous files totalCounts.put(word, totalCounts.get(word) + wordCounts.get(word)); } else { // have not seen this word before, add how many times it appeared in this file totalCounts.put(word, wordCounts.get(word)); } // next, count how many files each word appears in if (numFiles.containsKey(word)) { // have seen this word before, increment word count numFiles.put(word, numFiles.get(word) + 1); } else { // have not seen this word before, set count to 1 numFiles.put(word, 1); } } } } /** * Prints word counts in the map, up to the given number of entries, either the most frequent (+number) or least frequent (-number) */ void printWordCounts(Map wordCounts, int number) { // Sort the entries by their counts, breaking ties by alphabetical order List> entries = new ArrayList>(wordCounts.entrySet()); Collections.sort(entries, new WordCountComparator()); if (number > 0) { // Most frequent -- at end of list for (int i=0; i search(String term) { Set good = new TreeSet(); for (String file : file2WordCounts.keySet()) { if (file2WordCounts.get(file).containsKey(term)) good.add(file); } return good; } /** * Returns the names of the files in which all the terms appear */ public Set search(String[] terms) { Set good = new TreeSet(file2WordCounts.keySet()); // Intersection what was good for the previous terms with what is good for this term for (String term : terms) good.retainAll(search(term)); //see Java docs, this is an intersection return good; } /** * Returns the tf-idf score of the terms in the file */ public double tfIdf(String filename, String terms[]) { double s = 0; // Sum over terms for (String term : terms) { if (file2WordCounts.get(filename).containsKey(term)) // term frequency * log (# files total / # files with term) s += file2WordCounts.get(filename).get(term) * Math.log((double)file2WordCounts.keySet().size() / numFiles.get(term)); } return s; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Search searcher = new Search(); // Find all the .txt files in the directory and load their word counts File dir = new File(directory); for (File file : dir.listFiles()) { if (file.isFile() && file.getName().endsWith(".txt")) { System.out.println("indexing "+file.getName()); searcher.loadFile(file); } } // Total across files searcher.computeTotals(); // Search! Scanner in = new Scanner(; while (true) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("search for >"); String line = in.nextLine(); String[] terms = line.split(" "); if (terms[0].equals("#")) { // Report word counts if (terms.length==1) System.err.println("Please enter the number of words (negative for least frequent) and optionally a filename (else total)"); else if (terms.length==2) searcher.printWordCounts(searcher.totalCounts, Integer.parseInt(terms[1])); else if (searcher.file2WordCounts.containsKey(terms[2])) searcher.printWordCounts(searcher.file2WordCounts.get(terms[2]), Integer.parseInt(terms[1])); else System.err.println("Sorry, I haven't read '"+terms[2]+"'"); } else if (terms.length == 1) { // Report files containing word Set files =[0]); if (files.isEmpty()) System.out.println("Sorry, couldn't find anything"); else { System.out.println("Appears in "+files); for (String file : files) { System.out.println(file + ":" + searcher.file2WordCounts.get(file).get(terms[0])); } } } else { // Report files containing all words Set files =; if (files.isEmpty()) System.out.println("Sorry, couldn't find anything"); else { System.out.println("Appears in "+files); for (String file : files) { // Give components of tf-idf score System.out.println(file + ":" + searcher.tfIdf(file, terms)); for (String term : terms) System.out.println(" "+term+" "+searcher.file2WordCounts.get(file).get(term)+"; in "+searcher.numFiles.get(term)); } } } } } }