clouds, crowds and phones - the new tech revolution underway
latest news
Monday 17, January 5pm. Mail one page PDF of your project idea for mobile phone sensing to
Tuesday 2o, January 2 pm. Elevator pitch.
Tuesday 25, January 2 pm. Demo assignment one - see below. And, project group annoncements.
In this seminar, we will study the latest
advances in mobile phone sensing and its interaction with the computing
cloud and exploiting big sensor data (the crowd).
We will read the latest papers on this emerging field and program
phones to test out some of the ideas that emerge in the seminar. A high
degree of self learning is required for this seminar and a strong set
of programming skills.
Assesemnt is based on presenting research papers, class involvment and
programming projects. A large commitment in programming is required.
Prerequisite: cs 23 and cs78 or cs 58
Instructor: Andrew Campbell
When: Tuesday (presentations) and Thursday (lab) 2:00-3:50
Where: sensor lab (147 Sudikoff)
Class participation: 20%; paper presentations and review 30%; project: programming 20% and final paper 30%.
Students will present papers and discuss the pros/cons of those papers
in class. Students will also work on individual or group projects and
write up a conference style paper. There is no midterm or final exam.
Top student will get an iPad (it's a large cellphone ;-) and an honourable mention on this webpage.
Xiaoyi Chen
Shaohan Hu
Lei Liu
Hong Lu
Emiliano Miluzzo
Xiandong Ren
Senate J. Taka
Tianyu Wang
John F. Williamson
Rui Xie
Ye Xu
Xiaochao Yang
Mu Lin
Mashfiqui Rabbi
tips on presenting a paper
You don't want to repeat all the details
in the paper because we've all read it and know the content. Here are
some tips for your presentation:
What's the problem addressed in the paper and why is it important?
What's the proposed solution and why is it novel in comparison to the related work?
Are the assumptions made by the authors reasonable, is the methodology OK?
What are the design tradeoffs?
Present one or two of the more important results
What are your ideas for improving the ideas in the paper?
A good presentation gets the essence of
the paper over and stimulates a discussion on the above topics. This is
not a complete set of tips - I'm sure there are more. Important:
have a set of questions ready before your presentation and ask the
class those questions at suitable points during your presentation: your
job is to drive the discussion of the ideas in the paper - the good,
bad, and the ugly. Practice your talk. Make sure you talk to the
audience not the wall that the slides are projected on.
tips written review requirement
You need to write up one review of any paper you like and submit it
before the last day of class. It would make sense to write the review
up based on a paper you present in class. That way you can catch any
discussion issues in your write up if you wish.
The basic idea is as follows. You are the member of a technical program
committee for a conference and you get this paper to review. You need
to argue what the good and bad points of the paper are and how it could
be improved. What's the novelty of the paper, etc. You can use the
“Tips for Presenting a Paper” as a means of structuring
your write up. It would make sense to survey some of the papers cited
(the important ones) to give you some more background to the paper. You
could then incorporate that into the review that you will write.
I would assume the review would be around 3-5 pages. You could hand
this in at any point. Perhaps the week after you have presented if you
choose the paper you present in class to be your review paper.
Let me know if you have any questions.
phone programming assignments and resources
We can program iPhones or Andriod phones.
You need to determine which phone you will use for the project and
write some simple programs. Checkout the phone resource information.
Assignment one (Due Tuesday 25, 2010)
I suggest that you write a program that continously reads, records and
displays the location, time, accelometer. Get going on this initial
assignment and complete it by Tuesday 25, 2010. You need to demo this
to me during Tuesday's seminar.
Project AnnonifyMe (Senate, John, Nic)
Project FaceBlur (Xiaochao, Xiandong, Xiaoyi)
Project WalkSafe (Tianyu, Lei)
Project Evolve (Hong, Ye)
Project VibN (Emiliano, Shaohan)
Each project needs to build a demonstrable system using the phone and
backend. Each project should product a demo and conference quality
paper as final output.
A Survey of Mobile Phone Sensing, Nicholas D. Lane, Emiliano Miluzzo, Hong Lu, Daniel Peebles, Tanzeem
Choudhury, Andrew T. Campbell, , IEEE
Communications Magazine, September, 2010.
How to Read a Paper, S. Keshav, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 2007
MAUI: Making Smartphones Last Longer with
Code Offload, Eduardo Cuervo (Duke University), Aruna Balasubramanian
(University of Massachusetts, Amherst), Dae-ki Cho (University of
California, Los Angeles), Alec Wolman, Stefan Saroiu, Ranveer Chandra,
Paramvir Bahl (Microsoft Research), ACM MobiSys 2010. (Presenter: Hong Lu)
Tuesday 25, January - Complex Networks and Social Dyanmics
"Computation Social Science",
D. Lazer, A. Pentland, L. Adamic, S. Aral, A.-L. Barabási, D.
Brewer, N. Christakis, N. Contractor, J. Fowler, M. Gutmann, T. Jebara,
G. King, M. Macy, D. Roy, M. Van Alstyne, Science 323, 721-724 (2009). (Presenter: Nic Lane)