In the news
- Study Tracks Shifts in Student Mental Health During College, Dartmouth, March 2024
- Phone App Uses AI to Detect Depression From Facial Cues, Dartmouth, March 2024
- Mobile App Predicts Depression By Reading Your Expression, The Times, 2024
- The MoodCapture App May See That You’re Depressed Before You Do, The Daily Beast,
- AI That Knows How Depression Looks, Politico,
- This AI App Knows You’re Depressed Before You Do. The Fast Company, March 2024
- Digital Mental Health Research Wins Distinguished Paper Award, Presented at ACM UbiComp, October 2023.
A Technology fueled America’s youth mental health crisis, but it can help end it, Washington Post, September, 2023.
- A Spotlight on AI and Digital Mental Health and A Symposium Spotlights Digital Tech for Mental Health, September 2023.
- On a Mission for Mental Health News Professor’s tech research stems from a personal loss, Dartmouth, June, 2022.
- Pandemic exposed mental health divide among college students, study says, Washington Post, May, 2022.
- Wearable Tech Confirms Wear-and-Tear of Work Commute, Dartmouth College, November 2021.
- Rates of anxiety and depression among college students continue to soar, researchers say, Washington Post, June, 2021.
- Using Wearable Sensors to Study Workplace Behavior, Tuck, June 2021
- Smartphone Data Used To Predict Brain Connectivity Linked to Anxiety, Technology Networks, Sept 2020.
- Researchers developed a sensing system to constantly track the performance of workers, Tech Crunch, July 2019.
- Study finds college students more anxious, depressed because of COVID-19, Hatchet, August 2020
Coronavirus has made already-stressed college students even more anxious and depressed, study finds, Washington Post, July, 2020
- Smartphones can predict brain function associated with anxiety and depression, Medical Xpress, Sept 2020.Study finds college students more anxious, depressed because of COVID-19, Hatchet, August 2020
- Phones and wearables combine to assess worker performance, Science Daily, June 2019
Wearable technology started by tracking steps. Soon, it may allow your boss to track your performance, Washington Post, June 2019
- Wearable tech started by tracking steps; soon it may let your boss to track your performance, South Bends Tribune, July 2019
- Smartphones and fitness trackers used to gauge employee performance, New Atlas, June 2019.
- What if your boss knew how much you slept last night, Boston Globe, July 2019
- With A Fitness Band And App, This Guy Built The Perfect Employee Surveillance System, Indian Times, June 2019
The perils and promise of staff appraisal by smartphone, Financial Times, July 2019.
- Researchers developed a sensing system to constantly track the performance of workers, Tech Crunch, June 2019
- Workplace wearables, Bloomberg, July 2019
- A New Study Suggests Employers Track Your Every Move to Improve Productivity, Medium OneZero, July 2019
- Your boss could use your smartwatch to check your productivity levels, New Scientist, July 2019.
- What makes you work harder? Strap on a sensor and find out, Boston Globe, July 2019.
- A New Study Suggests Employers Track Your Every Move to Improve Productivity, Medium OneZero, July 2019.
- SXSW 2019: The Future of Wellbeing with Ubiquitous Sensing with Gloria Mark, Tanzeem Choudhury and Mary Czerwinski, 2019.
- New ARL grant: Capturing Soldier State Through Continuous Smartphone Sensing, 2019.
- Verily researchers: Time for psychiatry field to apply analytics, sensors to their practices, Healthcare IT News, August 2018.
- Your smartphone, your therapist?, Davos, Jan 2016.
- A Monitored State, Dartmouth Alumni Magazine, July 2016.
- Arianna Huffington's new book Sleep Revolution, March 2016.
Predicting GPA and student success? NPR's Morning Edition, June , 2015.
- Students under surveillance, Financial Times, July 2015.
- Making cruel unusual, Economist, July 2015.
- The Quantified Student: An App That Predicts GPA, NPR’s Ed, June 2015.
- App claims to know your GPA just by looking at your phone, CNET, June 2015.
- The app that can predict your GPA, Daily Mail, June 2015.
- Researchers use an app to predict GPA based on smartphone use, Engadget, June 2015.
Dartmouth Computer Scientist at Forefront of Sensing Revolution, Valley News, Nov 2017
- Dartmouth Predicts GPA Based on Phone Tracking App, Information Week, June 2015.
- Really smart phones: Now they can predict your GPA, NetworkWorld, June 2015.
- Creative methods help teens with depression, Boston Globe, February 2015.
- We Know How You Feel, New Yorker, January 2015.
- How Smartphone Apps Can Treat Schizophrenia, Wired Magazine, November 2014.
Diagnosing depression with an app, The Independent, November 2014.
- Smartphone apps could be next tool for mental wellbeing, ABC, Nov 2014.
- How Smartphone Apps Can Treat Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia, Wired, Nov 2014.
- Mental Health App, BBC World News, October 2014.
- New App Measures Students' Mental Health, Chronicle of Higher Education, October 2014.
- App Can Tell When Students Are Stressed Out, Huffington Post, September 2014.
Sensing Depression, Radio interview with Nora Young on CBC/NPR Spark, September 2014.
- Your App, Yourself, Editorial, Valley News, September 2014.
- Failing Students Saved by Stress-Detecting App, New Scientist, September 2014.
- The Habits Of Successful Students, Forbes Magazine, September 2014.
- This App Passively Tracks Your Mental Health, Wired, September 2014.
- Stressed Out? New Republic, September 2014.
This Phone App Knows If You're Depressed, MIT Technology Review, September 2014.
- Your Smartphone Thinks You're Sad, CBS News, September 2014.
- Smartphone App Knows When You're Feeling Blue, CNET, September 2014.
- Dartmouth Teacher Makes Health App, Valley News, September 2014.
- StudentLife App: Mental Health Is Hurting Your Grades, Engadget, September 2014.
- Smartphone App Keeps Watch Over Schizophrenic Patients, IEEE spectrum, July 2014.
Higher Ed Adapts to the Mobile App Economy, NPR's morning edition, July 2013.
- Using a Smartphone’s Eyes and Ears, MIT Technology Review, July 2013.
- Microphones as sensors: Teaching old microphones new tricks, Economist, June 2013.
- Smartphone App Alerts Drowsy Drivers, Tech News Daily, December 2012.
- App Crams Driver Aids Into Android Phone, Wired, October 2012.
CarSafe app: CBS/NBC, September, 2012.
- Lane-keeping app makes any car smarter, New Scientist, October 2012.
- Smartphone that feels your strain, New Scientist, August, 2012.
- Voice-Stress Software Is Put to the Test, PhysOrg and ACM Tech, August 2012.
- 3 Next-Gen Apps for the Stressed-Out Urbanite Cities, The Atlantic Cities, August 2012.
The Little Voice in Your Head, New York Times and Sunday Times Mag, January 2012.
- Texting While Walking Draws Safety Concerns, NPR Morning Edition, December 2011.
- Daily Planet aired a piece on WalkSafe, Discovery Channel, November, 2011.
- Smart-Phone App Warns Pedestrians of Oncoming Cars, MIT Technology Review, Nov 2011.
- When You're About to Get Hit By a Car, Popular Science, November 2011.
- Safely Cross the Street With An App That Watches For Traffic, Gizmodo, November 2011.
- WalkSafe App Keeps you from Strolling into Traffic, GadgetBox, November 2011.
- Get Some Therapy From An App, Fast Company, November 2011.
- The next step in bionics, CBS News Sunday Morning, October 2011.
The Cyborg The Cyborg in us all, New York Times Magazine, September 2011.
- Smartphone sensing, IT conversation, January 2011.
- The eyes have it, Communications of ACM, December 2010.
- Nokia toys with context-aware smartphone settings switch, Engadget, November 2010.
- Smartphone app monitors your every move, New Scientist, November 2010.
- Share Information to Boost Cellphone Performance, New Scientist, June 2010.
- New Cellphone Software Tracks Users' Eye Movements, Popular Science, May 2010.
- Eye Tracking for Mobile Control, MIT Technology Review, May 2010
The NeuroPhone, The Atlantic, September 2010.
- Mobile Phone Mind Control, MIT Technology Review, April 2010.
- Cell Phones that Learn the Sounds of Your Life, Slashdot, July 2009.
- Cell Phones that Listen and Learn, MIT Technology Review, June 2009.
Keynote talks
- "Moonshot for Mental Health", Amazon Lab126 Camera & Sensors Tech Summit. November, 2022.
- "Assessing the Mental Health of College Students using Mobile Sensing", Health Data Science Symposium at Harvard, November, 2021.
- “Future of Mental Health Sensing”, Society for Ambulatory Assessment (SAA) Conference, Melbourne, 2020. “
- "Future of Mental Health Sensing”, The Black Dog Sydney Institute, Sydney, 2020.
“Future of Mental Health Sensing on College Campuses”, ACM HotMobile, 2018.
- "The StudentLife Project: Using Smartphones to Assess Sociability, Mental Health, and Academic Performance of College Students", AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2015), Oxford, May 2015.
- “Using Smartphones to Assess Mental Health and Academic Performance of College Students”, 13th Annual Depression on College Campuses Conference, March 2015.
- "StudentLife Study: A term in the life of a Dartmouth Class", at the ACM Ubicomp 13 workshop on mobile systems for computational social science, Zurich, September 2013.
My brother Ed: Mental illness was not his choice”, ACM Ubicomp workshop on mental health, 2016.
- "Rise of mobile sensing and the end of the smartphone era", IEEE Conference on Sensing, Communications and Networking (SECON), New Orleans, June 2013.
- “My phone told me I'm stressed and should go for a run", EPSRC-funded Cross-Disciplinary Research Conference, London, October 9-10, 2012.
“Smartphone Sensing for the Masses”, ACM Eye Tracking Research & Applications Symposium (ETRA 2012), Santa Barbara, March 28-30, 2012.
- "Smartphone Sensing for the Masses", Workshop on Using Smartphones as Mobile Sensing Devices: A Practical Guide for Psychologists to Current and Potential Capabilities, Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), January 26-28, 2012.
- “Smartphone Sensing”, Eighth Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous), Copenhagen, December 6-8, 2011.
- “After Smartphones, Cognitive Phones: Enabling Behavioral Applications and Networks”, Workshop on Social Sensing: Mobile Sensing meets Social Science", University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, 17th March 2011.
“Mobile Phone Sensing is the Next Big Thing!”, ACM Workshop on Mobile Opportunistic Networking (MobiOpp 2010), Pisa, Italy, February 22-23, 2010.
- “People-Centric Sensing and the Rise of the Global Mobile Sensor Network”, SENIOT: From Sensor Networks to Networked Intelligent Objects, Bertinoro International Center for Informatics (BiCi), International CONET Summer School, Bertinoro (Forlì-Cesena), Italy, July 26 - August 1, 2009.
- “The Rise of People-Centric Sensing”, 10th International Conference of Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN), Hyderabad, India, January 3-6, 2009.
- “The Rise of People-Centric Sensing” (Invited talk), BCS Visions in Computer Science, London, Imperial College, London September 22-24, 2007.
“After Motes and Multihop: Mobile Phones and the Global Mobile Sensor Network”, 7th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), Galveston, Texas, March 9-13, 2009.
- “MetroSense: People-Centric Sensing at Scale”, 2nd European Conference on Smart Sensing and Context (EuroSSC 2007), Lancaster, UK, October 23-25, 2007.
- “MetroSense: People-Centric Sensing at Scale”, ACM International Workshop on Wireless Sensor Network Architecture, Boston, April 24, 2007.
- “Showstoppers for Sensors", 12th IEEE International Workshop Quality of Service (IWQoS 2004), Montreal, Canada, June 7 – 9, 2004.
“Showstoppers for Sensors", 4th Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks (ASWN 2004), Boston, August 8-11, 2004.
- “Genesis Project: Results and Experiences”, EPSRC Programmable Networks Workshop, Brighton, United Kingdom, December 10, 2004.
- “Showstoppers for Sensors", EPSRC Annual Post Graduate Networking Conference (PGNet 2003), Liverpool, United Kingdom, June 16-17, 2003.
- “IP Unwired”, IDMS/PROMS 2002 Joint International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems / Protocols for Multimedia Systems, University of Coimbra, Portugal, November 26-29, 2002.
- “Unwiring IP – the only true path to 4G”, Symposium on The Path to 4G, London, October 21-23, 2002.
- “Which Way to the Wireless Internet?”, 6th International Conference on Protocols for Multimedia Systems (PROM 2001), Enschede, Netherlands, October 17-19, 2001.
“Untangling the Wireless Web”, Symposium on The Path to 4G, Helsinki, September 13-14, 2001.
- “Untangling the Wireless Web”, Conference on IP-based Cellular Networks (IPCN 2001), Paris, France, 16-18 May 2001.
- “4G: What is it Good For?”, ACM Workshop on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM 2000) , Boston, Massachusetts, USA August 11, 2000.
- “Service Velocity”, IFIP Mini-Conference on Multimedia Management, IFIP Networking 2000, Paris, May 2000.