- NIH/NIDA P30 Technology-based Treatments for Substance Use Disorders, NIDA “Center of Excellence” Grant (P30), 2021-2026
- NIH/NIMH grant on Context-Aware Mobile Intervention for Social Recovery in Serious Mental Illness, January, 2022-2024.
- NSF: Sensor-Based Assessment of Behavioral Lifestyles and Experiences, 2018-2021.
Depression project (NIH/NIMH): Personalized Deep Learning Models of Rapid Changes in Major Depressive Disorder Symptoms using Passive Sensor Data from Smartphones and Wearable Devices, 2020-2025
- ARL: 360 Sensing, 2020-2023
- NIH/NIMH: Effort-based Decision Making and Motivated Behavior in Everyday Life. 2018-2022
- NIH/NIMH: Mobile RDOC: Using Smartphone Technology to Understand Auditory Verbal Hallucinations, 2017-2021.
- NIH/NIMH: Functional Anatomic Studies of Self-Affect: A Multimodal Approach, 2017-2021.
- NIH/NIDA: Technology-based Treatments for Substance Use Disorders, Large multi investigator center at Dartmouth with four core areas, 2015-2020.
- IAPRA: Comprehensive Modeling for Job Performance via Sensing, 2017-2019.
- ARL: Capturing Soldier State through Continuous Smartphone Sensing. With the ARL Human Variability Project and West Point, 2018-2020
NIH/NIMH: A New Paradigm for Illness Monitoring and Relapse Prevention in Schizophrenia, 2016.
- NSF/NeTS CNS: Bits in the Light: Networking and Sensing Using Visible Light Communications”, 2014-2017.
- NSF IBSS: Assessing Personality using Smartphones, 2016-2018.
- Dartmouth College: Assessing Stress on Campus”, Provost seed funding, 2015-2016.
- Google Faculty Research Award: Reducing the Wi-Fi Energy Tax for Smart Devices, 2014-2015.
- NSF CNS: GridIron Computing, 2012-2015.
NSF CNS: Workshop on Student Health, 2015.
- DARPA: Assessment of Asymmetric Social Indicators using Non-Verbal Vocal Cues, 2011-2012.
- NSF NeTS: Workshop Proposal on Pervasive Computing and Smart Environments with Applications, 2011-2012.
- NSF EAGER: Brain-Mobile Interfaces: Exploratory Research into the Development of Networked NeuroPhones, 2010-2013.
- Nokia Research: Well-being Networks, 2010-2013.
- Microsoft Research: 2010.
Nokia Research: Sensing Presence Search for Social Networks, 2008-2010.
- Intel Research Council: Transports for People-Centric Sensing, 2007-2010.
- NCSD: Scalable Secure Sensor Systems, 2006-2010.
- NIST: Scalable Secure Sensor Systems, 2006-2009.
- HSARP: MAP: Security through Measurement for Wireless LANs, 2005-2008.
- DOJ: Digital Living: Understanding PLACE Privacy in Location-Aware Computing Environments, 2005-2007.
- Dartmouth College: Startup 2005-2007.
- NSF NETS: Dynamic Spectrum MAC with Multiparty Support in Ad Hoc Networks, 2004-2009.
ARO: Congestion Control for Sensor Networks, 2004-2007.
- NSF: Cooperative Research Center for Wireless Internet, 2004-2008.
- EPSRC (UK): Resilient Sensor Networks, 2003-2004.
- NSF: Center for Wireless Internet, Planning Grant, 2003-2004.
- NYSTAR: Wireless Internet Center for Advanced Technology, 2003-2005.
- Intel Research Council: Reliable Transports for Sensor Networks, 2003-2004.
- Intel Research Council: A Research Agenda for Signaling Engines and Programmable SOS/IXA Networks, 2001-2003.
- Broadcom: Wireless Differentiated Services, 2001-2002.
- Microsoft Research: Power IP: Supporting Power-Aware Routing in Wireless Packet Networks, 2001-2002.
- ARO: Supporting QOS in Mobile Networks, 2000-2003.
- NSF WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY: Quality of Service in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, 1999-2005.
NSF CAREER Award: Programmable Mobile Networks, 1999-2003.
- IBM University Partnership Faculty Award: Wireless Internet, 1999-2000.
- Fujitsu: Spawning Networks, 1999.
- Nortel Networks: Programmable IP Networks, 1999.
- Nortel Networks: Wireless IP QOS, 1999.
- Ericsson Research: Cellular IP, 1998-2001.
Intel Research Council: Programmable Mobile Networks, 1998-2001.
- NSF: Gigabit ATM Network, 1996.
- Hitachi: Programmable Routers, 1998-2000.
- AT&T Foundation Faculty Award: Wireless Media Systems, 1996-1997.
- AT&T Research: Programmable Switch, Cambridge (formally ORL Ltd.), 1996-1997.
- Toshiba: Mobiware, $150,000, 1996-2000. Intel Research Council: iLab: Undergraduate Systems Laboratory, 1998.
- Columbia University: Faculty Startup Package, 1996.
EPSRC (UK): Managing Networks, Visiting Scholar, Columbia University, 1994-1995.
Equipment Awards
- Neukom Institute: 40 Android phones, 2010.
- Nokia Research: 100 mobile phones, 2008.
- Nokia Research: 50 mobile phones and service plans, 2006.
- Intel Research Council: NetBind Kit, 2006.
- Intel Research Council: Intel Xscale Technology Grant, 2004.
- Intel Research Council: 3 nodes on PlanetLab, 2002.
- Intel Research Council: 70 Berkeley motes, 2002.
- Intel Research Council: 20 IXP 1200 Programmable switches and 10 PCs, 2000.
- Nortel Networks: Programmable switch, 2000.
- Toshiba: Multiple Laptops and radios, 1999.
- Intel Research Council: PCs, servers, radio cards, 1998.
- Microsoft: software and devices, 1998.