Jasper and Annie-Cairn Terriers

Here are some older pictures of Annie and Jasper. Jasper has left us for now, but his spirit will always be with us.
You can click on the pictures to see enlargements of them.

      Hi!  I'm Jasper! I'm three years old and full of fun. Wanna play?




 I'm  Annie. In these pictures I'm only 3 months old and ready for the world.


Here we are on "our" couch at home. Sometimes we let our humans sit here too, especially if they offer tummy rubs.

 Annie thinks Jasper hogs the couch

                                                                  Mmmm, bows are tasty!


Sometimes we visit Gramma and Grampa who live near the ocean. We bring our little girl with us 'cause she likes to dig
in the sand too. It's early winter in these pictures, so we have the beach to ourselves.


                       Bye for now.


 We hope you enjoyed your visit.

Jasper and Annie