The goal is to build a webcam-based painting program in which some portion of the image (say your hand, or a marker tip) acts as a "paintbrush".
The core computational problem is to identify the paintbursh in the webcam image. Here we base the recognition solely on color, so it should have a fairly uniform and distinct color. For example, I could wear a dark blue shirt and do torso-based painting, or I could use the green cap of a marker and more delicately paint something. (Both such "paintbrushes" below are recolored to distinguish them.)
To find uniformly-colored regions, we employ a "region growing" (aka "flood fill") algorithm. Region growing initializes a new region at some point that has approximately a specified target color. It then looks at each of the point's neighbors (8 neighbors plus the point if the point is not near the edge of the window). Those that are also approximately the target color become members of the region, and their neighbors also need to be considered. The process continues until no neighbor-of-neighbor-of... points are the desired color. Thus the "flood fill" name: we expand outward from an initial point, as if a bucket of paint had been spilled there and spread to all the pixels of its same color. That detects one region; start again from another point (not already considered) to detect another region.
The basic structure of the algorithm is as follows:
Loop over all the pixels
If a pixel is unvisited and of the correct color
Start a new region
Keep track of which pixels need to be visited, initially just that one
As long as there's some pixel that needs to be visited
Get one to visit
Add it to the region
Mark it as visited
Loop over all its neighbors
If the neighbor is of the correct color
Add it to the list of pixels to be visited
If the region is big enough to be worth keeping, do so
The target color is specified by mouse press, as in our simpler color point tracking example in class. The flood fill identifies connected regions of points that are approximately that target color. There may be several such regions on the image. The paintbrush is the largest such region.
Implementation Notes
Provided for you are scaffolds for the two classes you need to complete: and "TODO" comments indicate what you need to fill in; you may also want to define additional helper methods, instance variables, etc. To help you develop and debug, a test driver is also provided: that relies on smiley.png and baker.png being a directory called cs10/pictures
- The built-in Java Point class holds x and y coordinates. We can package up a list of them and think of it as a region. A list of these lists is then our set of regions.
- There are many ways we could test color similarity. In my solution, I simply compared the absolute value of each channel (red, green, blue), and made sure each channel is less than the
threshold instance variable. Euclidean distance is also fine, although you may need to alter the threshold to have your image recolored like my example shown below. - We need to keep track of which points we've visited, so that we don't revisit them. An additional image provides a convenient way to do that, as it's exactly the same structure of the one we're looking at. It starts off as all black (getRGB is 0), and we can change the color of an (x,y) position to something else (say setRGB to 1) when we visit it. Thus we don't keep going to a pixel again and again, instead we only visit each pixel one time.
visited = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); ... if (visited.getRGB(x, y) == 0) { ... visited.setRGB(x, y, 1); }
- Consider 8-adjacency (NE, N, NW, W, E, SE, S, SW) neighbors using nested loops as in some of our image processing code.
- We also need to keep track of the neighbors (and neighbors of neighbors...) that need to be visited in the region we are growing. An ArrayList can do that; initialize it with the point itself. Then in a loop, remove a point from the list, and handle it by adding its neighbors to the to visit list (if they are the target color). Two other classes that we'll use more extensively soon have the same ability: Stack lets us push and pop objects, while Queue lets us enqueue and dequeue. Any of these approaches is fine.
- Note the difference in verbs: toVisit holds the pixels we still need to check for inclusion in the current region, while visited marks the pixels we've already visited so we don't go back to them multiple times.
- There's a nested loop structure for recoloring: loop over all the regions; for each, loop over all the points.
- The basic idea is that the region finder gives regions for each frame of the camera, the largest of which is considered the paintbrush. The paintbrush leaves a trail over time as it moves around. That's the painting. Ex:
- The basic structure is like other webcam code. I've provided some instance variables and key commands to set the tracking color, save snapshots, and control which image is being shown (in the
method). Here, live webcam is just the streaming video with no processing; recolored image is from region finder (as in the static version and the example regions at the top); and the painting is the tracks left by the paintbrush over time (as in the blue smiley above). - You need to plug in calls to your region finder within
, in order to find the largest region. Be sure to give the region finder the image and the color (and that those aren'tnull
). - Once the region finder gives the location of the brush (the largest region), update the painting accordingly. That is, the pixels that are in the largest region should be colored in the painting, thereby leaving a trail. You can color them however you like; my sample solution is monochromatic, but you could transfer colors from the webcam, allow the user to set colors, etc.
- Also handle the mouse press to set the tracking color, and the
method to display the appropriate image as mentioned above. - In general, webcam processing can be flaky. Work in a well-lit room. Do all the core development with static images first via the test code (i.e., no webcam required).
For this problem set, you are allowed to work with one partner. Note that you do not have to work with a partner, and if you do, you will both be given the same grade; there is no penalty (or bonus). You should weigh whether you will get more out of this assignment working alone or with someone else.
- First implement
, including the region growing algorithm, a method to recolor the image so that regions show up distinctly, and a method to find the largest region. Test it in the provided scaffold. For example, here's what I get for the brick-ish regions (R=130, G=100, B=100) with at least 50 pixels in the usual Baker image, recolored to random colors:
(This is one of the provided test cases.) Submit a corresponding image from your region growing algorithm. Depending on choices of parameters, it may be somewhat different from mine; that's okay. Briefly describe the implementation and parameter choices you made and their impact on the detected regions. - Now plug that into the provided webcam-based scaffold. Set the target color by mouse press, and paint according to the detected brush (largest region). Submit screenshots of you / your partner's work, both an image of webcam with recolored regions and a resulting painting. Briefly describe the utility and limitations of region growing in this context.
You may obtain extra credit for extending and enhancing the app. Only do this once you are completely finished with the specified version. Make a different file for the extra credit version, and document what you did and how it works. Some ideas:
- Allow multiple brushes
- Allow pause/restart of the painting, easy change of colors and brushes, etc.
- Account for the size, shape, and trajectory of the specified paintbrush to filter out some of the spurious ones
Submission Instructions
Turn in your completed versions of the two classes in a single zip file. Turn in screenshots of the static region finding, and the webcam in action with resulting painting. Turn in a document with your discussion of region growing (both Baker and webcam).
If you worked with a partner and wrote one solution, both partners should each submit the same code. Note your partnership with an @author
tag for each partner in your code, and also list both partners in the Canvas submission text box. One of the submissions will be graded and both partners will receive the same grade. If you discussed the problem with a partner but each wrote your own solution, each partner should note the collaboration in the Canvas text box and also note with an @author
tag in your code that you collaborated.
Grading Rubric
Total of 100 points
Correctness (70 points)
5 | Matching color |
5 | Starting region growing at appropriate pixels |
5 | Keeping track of visited pixels |
5 | Keeping track of to-visit pixels |
5 | Visiting correctly colored neighbors |
5 | Keeping big-enough groups of points as the regions |
10 | Recoloring image based on detected regions |
10 | Finding the largest region |
5 | Drawing the appropriate image |
5 | Setting tracking color |
10 | Updating the painting according to the paintbrush |
Structure (10 points)
4 | Good decomposition of and within methods |
3 | Proper used of instance and local variables |
3 | Proper use of parameters |
Style (10 points)
3 | Comments within methods and for new methods |
4 | Good names for variables, methods, parameters |
3 | Layout (blank lines, indentation, no line wraps, etc.) |
Testing (10 points)
5 | Static image (Baker) region detection and discussion |
5 | Webcam region detection, painting, and discussion |