As promised, we're going to build a collaborative graphical editor — akin to Google Docs' ability to have multiple simultaneous editors of the same document. In both cases, multiple clients connect to a server, and whatever editing any of them does, the others see. So I can add an ellipse, a friend on another computer can recolor and move it, etc. This code handles multiple objects at a time, and can draw rectangles, line segments, and "freehand" shapes in addition to ellipses.
The basic client/server set-up is much like that of the chat server. Each client editor has a thread for talking to the sketch server, along with a main thread for user interaction (previously, getting console input; now, handling the drawing). The server has a main thread to get the incoming requests to join the shared sketch, along with separate threads for communicating with the clients. The client tells the server about its user's drawing actions. The server then tells all the clients about all the drawing actions of each of them.

There is one twist, to make this work nicely. A client doesn't just do the drawing actions on its own. Instead, it requests the server for permission to do an action, and the server then tells all the clients (including the requester) to do it. So rather than actually recoloring a shape, the client tells the server "I'd like to color this shape that color", and the server then tells all the clients to do just that. That way, the server has the one unified, consistent global view of the sketch, and keeps all the clients informed.
Given that the architecture is much the same as with the chat server (and other client/server set-ups), the bulk of the assignment comes down to establishing the message passing protocols between client/server and ensuring that they all maintain and modify a consistent shared view of a common sketch.
Implementation Notes
A scaffold,, is provided. It includes a number of files including:
- Editor: client, handling GUI-based drawing interaction
- EditorOne: a sample program to get you started on the Editor
- EditorCommunicator: for messages to/from the server
- SketchServer: central keeper of the master sketch; synchronizing the various Editors
- SketchServerCommunicator: for messages to/from a single editor (one for each such client)
- EchoServer: an alternative server useful for development / debugging
- Shape: interface for a graphical shape (with color), with implementations Ellipse, Polyline, Rectangle, and Segment
Please take the time to familiarize yourself with these files, and read over the whole assignment carefully regarding how the pieces fit together, before even thinking about coding. Begin by looking at EditorOne
. This code is an implementation of a simpler version of the Editor
you'll write as part of this assignment.
Add your code to the scaffold, and provide additional classes and methods to finish it off. You can change type signatures for some of the "your code here" methods if you want, and feel free to add more; it's just to give the structure. The code isn't particularly complicated, but there are a lot of moving parts, and you need to be clear on the protocol (request a sketch update to the server and act on a command from the server).
You will need to develop your own classes to maintain sketches (the shapes shared among the editors) and to handle messages between the editors and server.
Some thoughts regarding how to approach the implementation.
- The structure of the
looks just like that in theEditorOne
sample, but now needs to handle multiple shapes, and make and handle requests via theEditorCommunicator
instead of directly manipulating a shape. - Creating a new
works much likeEllipse
: click one corner and drag to the other. On the other hand,Freehand
keeps track of all the points over the course of dragging, allowing an arbitrary curve to be sketched. - Since the drawing behaviors are quite different for
I couldn't come up with a good, clean object-oriented way to handle the current object as just an arbitraryShape
, but instead specifically handled different classes differently. I'd be interested to see a nice (and not stilted) OO approach. - For simplicity, if you'd like, the process of drawing a shape can be contained just within the editor — when it's complete (button released), tell the server to add it. All the other commands (delete, recolor, move) should be handled as requests to the server.
- NOTE: to run multiple Editors in IntelliJ you must click Run->Edit configurations.., then select Editor in the left pane and click "Modify options" dropdown in the right window and check "Allow multiple instances".
- In order to hold the current shape list (either locally for an editor, or globally for the server), I recommend developing an extra class, which for the rest of this write-up I will call "
". Up to you how to implement it. - All editors need to display and refer to the shapes the same way. Thus they have to be referred to by some global "id", with the sketch maintaining the mapping between ids and shapes. One way to ensure consistency of id numbers:
- The server maintains a "master" version of the sketch, and broadcasts messages to the clients so that their "local" versions are all equivalent.
- To add a new shape (once finished), an editor client sends a request to the server to add it, giving the info needed for a new instance. The server will then determine a unique id for that shape, and broadcast to everyone an indication to add the shape (again, with all the info needed for the constructor) with the given id. Thus all editors have the same id for the same shape.
- Delete, recolor, and move operations use the determined id number.
- I think it's easiest if the partial shape currently being drawn is not part of the sketch yet (as discussed above, that happens upon "add", once the mouse is released), but is handled separately.
- The editor and sketch will need to work together to see which shape contains the mouse press, as well as to draw the shapes. Be careful with front-to-back order — look for the topmost containing shape, but draw the bottom most shapes first so that the later ones cover them. If you use a
for the id-to-shape mapping, with an increasing id number for newer shapes, then a traversal of the tree will yield them in order of newness. That's whatTreeMap.descendingKeySet
do (high-to-low and low-to-high, respectively). - Because multiple threads will be accessing a sketch (i.e., the different server communicators for the different client editors), the methods that access its shape list will need to be "synchronized".
are finished;Rectangle
should be straightforward if you understandEllipse
.- A
is like a multi-jointSegment
— (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) to (x3,y3), .... It's a geometric representation that can hold a freehand drawing (among other inputs). To test containment of a mouse press in a polyline, you can leverageSegment.pointToSegmentDistance
, since each pair of points along a polyline is basically a segment. Note that this method ispublic static
; i.e., you don't have to have aSegment
- As described, actions are sent to the server and then back to the client and the other clients.
- Communication is always via
s, usingPrintWriter.println
on one side to communicate withBufferedReader.readLine
on the other side. You might want to make use of thetoString
methods of the shapes. - In order to handle a message, it might be useful to define an extra class that takes a
-based command (sent via writer to reader) and parses it to determine what action to perform and update the sketch accordingly. I recommend just using a simple format for the messages (i.e., no JSON or XML!), with the various pieces separated by spaces or commas. Then, for example, you can unpack the pieces into an array byString.split
, and access the pieces by indexing into the array. You can also convert aString
to anint
. Ex:String[] tokens = String.split("a b 1 2"); => tokens == ["a","b","1","2"] => tokens[0] == "a", tokens[2] == "1" => Integer.parseInt(tokens[2]) == 1
- When comparing strings (e.g., to decide which action to perform for a message), be sure that you test equality with the method
, not with==
. For example,tokens[0].equals("a")
would returntrue
, but unfortunatelytokens[0]=="a"
would not. Color.toString
is nice for reading but not for parsing. On the other hand, its RGB value (flashback to PS-1!), is anint
- The communicators work much like in the chat server — sending and receiving messages on behalf of the client and server, updating the sketch, and, on the GUI side, having the editor update the display (i.e., don't forget to
as necessary). - When a new client joins, they need to be filled in on the state of the world — what shapes are already there.
- To help in development, we have provided an
which you can run in place of aSketchServer
, testing yourEditor
before worrying about the server side of things and how to go about handling multiple editors. When theEchoServer
is running, it will read in input that yourEditorCommunicator
sends and "echo" it back so that yourEditorCommunicator
can read it in. This should help you while developing/testing your message protocol for updating a sketch, and that you are actually updating your local sketch correctly according to received messages.
For this problem set, you are allowed to work with one partner. Note that you do not have to work with a partner, and if you do, you will both be given the same grade; there is no penalty (or bonus). You should weigh whether you will get more out of this assignment working alone or with someone else. If you choose to work with someone else, pick your partner carefully, and make sure it is someone you will be able to coordinate with, work well with, etc. Re-read the course policies.
- Finish off the missing pieces in
Editor, Rectangle
, andPolyline
, along with a mechanism for handling the shape list (Sketch
). These can be tested by directly modifying things, as in the standalone editor, before thinking about messages. - Devise a set of string-based messages by which the clients and server will communicate drawing actions, along with a mechanism for parsing these messages and invoking the appropriate actions to update the shapes. The methods are up to your design, but should be fairly straightforward reflections of editor commands to add, delete, move, and recolor.
- Use the
to test your classes, before dealing with the actualSketchServer
. By using theEchoServer
, you essentially have a single-machine drawing program which acts on echoed messages that it sends out and gets back, rather than sending/receiving messages via aSketchServer
. This should allow you to focus on the client-side part of this lab and make sure it is working before you try to implement the server-side components. - Now all that is left to implement is the
. There isn't much code to write but you do have to do a few things to handle multiple instances of editors connecting (e.g., telling a client the current state of the world when they first connect, and getting and handling messages from the client). Now hook them up and let them go. Start up a server instance first. Then start an editor. Test on your own machine (set serverIP to "localhost"), and with a friend (give them your IP address or vice versa). Take a screenshot of a collaboratively edited sketch. If you're working independently, you can just have two Editors running on your own machine (i.e., self-collaboration). - Consider possible multi-client issues. What unexpected/undesired behaviors are possible? Can you actually make any of them happen? Where and why do you use
methods; will they handle everything? Write a short (approximately a paragraph) response.
You may obtain extra credit for extending and enhancing the editor. Only do this once you are completely finished with the specified version. Make a different file for the extra credit version, and document what you did and how it works. Some ideas:
- Support other common graphical editor commands, e.g., bring to front and send to back (note that you'll need to keep a separate list of the drawing order), group and ungroup, undo and redo, etc.
- Allow a client to "lock down" a shape, so that nobody else can modify it until the lock is released. (Draw such shapes differently to distinguish them.)
- Set up an access control, so that a client can specify with what other clients they are willing to share a sketch.
- Make an Android client.
Submission Instructions
Submit your completed versions of all the classes, thoroughly documented. Also submit a snapshot of a collaborative client-server drawing session, and a document with your brief dicussion of synchronization issues.
Grading Rubric
Total of 100 points
Correctness (70 points)
5 | Rectangle |
5 | Polyline |
10 | Event handlers |
10 | Sketch: maintaining shape list, identifying selected shape |
10 | Drawing shapes and partial shapes |
5 | Sending strings between clients and server, using EditorCommunicator and ServerCommunicator |
10 | Composing messages, and decomposing and acting on them |
10 | Run loops in ServerCommunicator and EditorCommunicator (5 each) |
5 | Consistency of sketches across clients and server, including new clients |
Structure (10 points)
4 | Good decomposition of methods |
3 | Proper used of instance and local variables |
3 | Proper use of parameters |
Style (10 points)
3 | Comments for new methods (purpose, parameters, what is returned) |
4 | Good names for methods, variables, parameters |
3 | Layout (blank lines, indentation, no line wraps, etc.) |
Testing (10 points)
7 | Snapshot of a collaborative drawing |
3 | Discussion of multi-client |