import; /** * Generic binary search tree * * @author Tim Pierson, Dartmouth CS10, Winter 2025, based on prior term code */ public class BST,V> { private K key; private V value; private BST left, right; /** * Constructs leaf node -- left and right are null */ public BST(K key, V value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; } /** * Constructs inner node */ public BST(K key, V value, BST left, BST right) { this.key = key; this.value = value; this.left = left; this.right = right; } /** * Getters */ public K getKey() { return key; } public V getValue() { return value; } public BST getRight() { return right; } public BST getLeft() { return left; } /** * helper methods */ public boolean isLeaf() { return left == null && right == null; } public boolean hasLeft() { return left != null; } public boolean hasRight() { return right != null; } /** * Returns the value associated with the search key, or throws an exception if not in BST */ public V find(K search) throws InvalidKeyException { int compare = search.compareTo(key); //compare search with this node's key using search's compareTo() method if (compare == 0) return value; //found it if (compare < 0 && hasLeft()) return left.find(search); //search key < this node's key, go left, return result if (compare > 0 && hasRight()) return right.find(search); //search key > this node's key, go right, return result throw new InvalidKeyException(search.toString()); //can't go anywhere and didn't find key, throw exception } /** * Smallest key in the tree, recursive version */ public K min() { if (left != null) return left.min(); return key; } /** * Smallest key in the tree, iterative version */ public K minIter() { BST curr = this; while (curr.left != null) curr = curr.left; return curr.key; } /** * Inserts the key & value into the tree (replacing old key if equal) */ public void insert(K key, V value) { int compare = key.compareTo(this.key); if (compare == 0) { // replace this.value = value; } else if (compare < 0) { // insert on left (new leaf if no left) if (hasLeft()) left.insert(key, value); else left = new BST(key, value); } else if (compare > 0) { // insert on right (new leaf if no right) if (hasRight()) right.insert(key, value); else right = new BST(key, value); } } /** * Deletes the key and returns the modified tree, which might not be the same object as the original tree * Thus must afterwards just use the returned one */ public BST delete(K search) throws InvalidKeyException { int compare = search.compareTo(key); if (compare == 0) { // Easy cases: 0 or 1 child -- return other if (!hasLeft()) return right; //no left child, return right, could be null if no right child, but that is ok if (!hasRight()) return left; //has left, but no right, return left // If both children are there, delete and substitute the successor (smallest on right) // Find successor BST successor = right; while (successor.hasLeft()) successor = successor.left; // Delete it right = right.delete(successor.key); // And take its key & value this.key = successor.key; this.value = successor.value; return this; } else if (compare < 0 && hasLeft()) { left = left.delete(search); return this; } else if (compare > 0 && hasRight()) { right = right.delete(search); return this; } throw new InvalidKeyException(search.toString()); } /** * Returns a string representation of the tree */ public String toString() { return toStringHelper("", ""); } /** * Recursively constructs a String representation of the tree from this node, * starting with the given indentation and indenting further going down the tree * formatting inspired by: */ public String toStringHelper(String indent, String childIndent) { String res = indent + key + ":" + value + "\n"; if (hasLeft()) { //not null left res += left.toStringHelper(childIndent + "|-- ", childIndent + "| "); } else if (!isLeaf()){ //null left child res += childIndent + "|-- null\n"; } if (hasRight()) { //not null right res += right.toStringHelper(childIndent + "|-- ", childIndent + " "); } else if (!isLeaf()){ //null right child res += childIndent + "|-- null\n"; } return res; } /** * Tree traversals */ public void preOrderTraversal() { System.out.print(key +":" + value + " "); if (hasLeft()) left.preOrderTraversal(); if (hasRight()) right.preOrderTraversal(); } public void inOrderTraversal() { if (hasLeft()) left.inOrderTraversal(); System.out.print(key + ":" + value + " "); if (hasRight()) right.inOrderTraversal(); } public void postOrderTraversal() { if (hasLeft()) left.postOrderTraversal(); if (hasRight()) right.postOrderTraversal(); System.out.print(key + ":" + value + " "); } /** * Some tree testing */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { BST root = new BST("D",1); root.insert("B",2); root.insert("A",3); root.insert("C",4); root.insert("F",5); root.insert("M",6); root.insert("E",7); root.insert("H",8); root.insert("J",9); root.insert("P",10); System.out.println(root); System.out.println("Delete A"); root = root.delete("A"); System.out.println(root); System.out.println("Delete B"); root = root.delete("B"); System.out.println(root); System.out.println("Delete F"); root = root.delete("F"); System.out.println(root); //traversals System.out.println("In-order traversal"); root.inOrderTraversal(); System.out.println("\nPre-order traversal"); root.preOrderTraversal(); System.out.println("\nPost-order traversal"); root.postOrderTraversal(); } }