
Today we'll move from using web services to providing our own. We'll create servers to which clients can connect, and clients that properly connect with those servers. Ultimately we'll end up with a little chat server that allows multiple clients to talk with each other. To get there, we'll have to understand how to establish a communication mechanism, as well as how to juggle multiple tasks. Again, relevant Java tutorials are listed in case you want more in depth reading.


All the code files for today:;;;;;;;;;

Slides from class


Sockets enable two different program to communicate with each other. One program sends messages to the other program's socket, and the other responds to the first program's socket. You can imagine a virtual wire connecting the two computers, with its ends plugged into the sockets.

How do we get a socket? Typically, one side (the "server") is sitting there waiting for someone (a "client") to give it a call. The server publicly distributes a way to make that initial connection (like a published phone number). But since all clients will be trying to reach the server there, once it makes a connection with a new client, it shifts them over to their own connection.

We can do this to directly access a WWW server, here We need the address and the "port" on which the server is listening for incoming connections, which is 80 for HTTP. (If you are curious, Wikipedia posts a list of "well-known" ports; no need to memorize them since you can always look them up, but over time you'll become familiar with some of the "big ones" like HTTP (80), HTTPS (443), SSH (22), etc.) The server then creates the socket. Java provides a class, conveniently called "Socket" that abstract this process. It provides methods to give us an input stream and an output stream, so we can use our usual IO methods to handle the communication.

Recall the use of a Scanner on back when we did the Shakespeare search engine. This program uses that same approach to get text input.


To make our own server, we do this same thing: listen on a particular port; when a client connects to a ServerSocket for that port, create a Socket specifically for them. This Socket then supports the communication via stream readers/writers. The code: We need to use a port that isn't in use by any other service; I'm just guessing that 4242 is safe (it's not used by any of the popular services I know, but let me know if it causes issues for you).

You can actually connect to this server via telnet, if you happen to have that installed on your machine. Start up the server in IntelliJ, then from the command line:

> telnet localhost 4242
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
who is it?
hi tim! anybody else there?
my dog
hi my dog! anybody else there?
telnet> Connection closed.

Or we could write our own client, which is much like the WWW client above, but with a different protocol, repeatedly sending and receiving: Note that you can fire up both the server and the client in IntelliJ (in that order) and then switch between consoles with a little button on the side.


You can greet your friends by running the server on your machine, telling them your IP address, and having their client create a Socket to that address rather than "localhost". How exactly to find your IP address depends on your OS, but it's associated with your network interface connection (wi-fi/ethernet). For our examples, and your convenience, I've provided which does the leg work of identifying the IP address of your machine that is running the server. This should work, but if you have problems, there are also websites that can help, e.g., amazonaws that will tell you your global IP, or websites with instructions about how to find your IP on your current network through your system info.


NOTE: When creating a server that listens on some port number, you may encounter this error: Address already in use. This means that you already have a server running that is listening on that port number; if you kill the running server and then try to re-run yours, it should work.

Multithreaded server

Our server so far can only talk with one client. To talk with multiple clients, we kind of need multiple servers running. But how many, and how do we coordinate their connections with the clients? The trick, as summarized in our initial discussion, is to handle it on an as-needed basis. Each time someone connects to our main listening port (via a server socket), we'll give them their own socket, and also a separate instance to handle their communication. All these instances need to be able to talk with their clients "at the same time". That is, they are concurrent.

Java provides Thread mechanism to handle concurrently executing pieces of code within the same application. (Note that this is much lighter weight than having multiple applications running simultaneously, which is handled by your operating system.) One way to establish a concurrently running thread is to have a class inherit from Thread and override the run() method to provide its code. To start a thread instance, we invoke its start() method.


Multithreaded code: is the main server, and handles the server's communication with one particular client. The client communicator extends Thread and overrides the run() method to do the same thing we had in our original single-threaded server: set up the communication channel through the socket, and send and receive messages. The HelloMultithreadedServer.getConnections() method just keeps listening to the main port and creating new sockets and communicators whenever someone connects.

You can test this version by multiple telnets / multiple runs of the client.


The server creates a separate thread to handle each connected client. When a client disconnects, the input stream recognizes that and the while-loop terminates and then the thread is finished (after some clean up). What if the server itself is terminated? Without care, all the communicator threads can keep on going. While that may not happen or may not matter, to be careful here we designate the communicators as "daemon" threads, which means they don't really have a life of their own, and when the main thread is done, they all terminate too.

Chat server

Our chat server builds on the multithreaded server and the client, but of course has different behaviors. The idea is that a client connects and gives their name. Everyone who is already connected will be told of that person's entrance. Then when someone types something, the server broadcasts it to everyone else (attributing the message to that person, since they have given their name).

Starting with the server: and The main server fires of a communicator (for a specific client) pretty much the same way that it did in the multithreaded hello server, but with the protocol of first getting a name and then looping for the conversation.

ChatServer.getConnections() does our usual loop of listening to the port and creating new communicators when clients connect. It keeps a list of all the currently running communicators. So when a communicator is created, it is added to the list, and when it is hung up on, it is removed from the list (see the clean-up section of The communicator list enables the server, in the broadcast() method, to send a message to all the other clients, when it receives a message from one of them.

There's one thing you might have noticed in each of these methods (in addition to the fact that I bothered to create such simple methods as addCommunicator() and removeCommunicator()). They all have the keyword "synchronized". Synchronization will be the topic of a whole lecture, but this is a good opportunity to begin thinking about issues when resources are shared. We have a list "comms" to which multiple communicator threads have access. So it is possible that two could be trying to modify it (and even a third trying to broadcast to it) at the same time. This could lead to unexpected behaviors that we'll explore next class. The "synchronized" keyword ensures that only one thread at a time is able to access that list.

The client: and It's also a bit more complicated, as it needs to be able to receive broadcasts from the server while it's waiting for the next console input from the user. We let the main thread (via ChatClient.handleUser()) handle the console input part. We fire off a thread (via a new instance of ChatClientCommunicator) to listen for broadcasts from the server. Why does that need to be in a separate thread from the client itself? (Hint: is anything keeping the client tied up and unable to listen for the input from the server?) One extra bit of cleanup is when the server hangs up, the server-listening thread tells the main thread. (There are fancier ways to do that, but this makes the point clear.)

Here is the basic progression:


Java notes

Marks a method (or with a refined version, a code block) so that only one thread at a time is allowed to use any of an object's synchronized blocks. We'll spend the next whole class on synchronization.