In this lecture, we will learn about Iterators and their uses:

  • what is an iterator
  • how is it coded in the context of our data structures
  • how it leverages function pointers in C
  • passing arguments to iterators
  • several uses of iterators

Why iterators?

Iterators are a powerful concept, especially when writing an abstract data structure that represents a collection. We have several such data structures - tree, bag, set, hashtable, and counters. If the collection implements an iterator, we can apply some function to every item in that collection… e.g., for printing, counting, modifying, and even combining multiple collections.

In Lab 5 you find iterators helpful in writing the contents of the Index to the index file.

In Lab 6 you will find iterators helpful in combining the set of matches for one word with the set of matches for another word.

Coding an iterator

Lab 3 asked you to include an _iterate() method in each of set, hashtable, and counters. You saw the bag_iterate() method as an example:

/* Iterate over the whole bag; call the given function on each item,
 * passing both the item and an argument. Ignore if NULL bag or NULL itemfunc.
bag_iterate(bag_t *bag, void *arg, void (*itemfunc)(void *arg, void *item) )
  if (bag != NULL && itemfunc != NULL) {
    // call itemfunc with arg, on each item
    for (bagnode_t *node = bag->head; node != NULL; node = node->next) {
      (*itemfunc)(arg, node->item);

Notice that the code begins with defensive programming - in case the caller accidentally calls us with NULL parameters.

Otherwise, the function is a simple for loop, stepping through each item in the bag. This iterator makes no promise about the order in which it processes items; after all, a ‘bag’ is an unordered, unlabeled collection of ‘things’.

Function pointers

Recall our discussion of function pointers from earlier in the term. The second parameter to bag_iterate declares itemfunc as a pointer to a function that itself takes two parameters: an arg and a data. Both are void pointers, that is, pointers to some unspecified type. Because the iterator receives a function pointer from its caller, and the arg/data parameters are arbitrary pointers, this iterator can work on items of any type, and compute any sort of function on those items, making it truly general-purpose.

Look inside the for loop, where we call itemfunc. Here, we dereference the function pointer to get a function, then call it with two parameters: the arg provided to us, and the data for this item. (Syntactically, we have to wrap the dereference in parentheses, but otherwise, it’s just like any other function call.)


Sometimes, though not always, the caller will need a way of communicating other information to the itemfunc - not just the information about the item our iterator can provide. Thus, the iterator takes arg, a pointer to arbitrary something, and passes it right on through to the itemfunc. This mechanism is general-purpose:

  • pass arg=NULL if the caller has no need to send additional arguments to its itemfunc;
  • pass a pointer to a simple variable if the caller just needs to get information into the itemfunc;
  • indeed, in that case, the variable is passed by reference and thus the itemfunc can update the variable if needed;
  • furthermore, if the caller needs to send multiple things to the itemfunc, it can pass a pointer to a struct holding those things.

We’ll see examples by writing some code that uses our bag_iterate() and my set_iterate() functions.

Example with bag_iterate()

Two examples from bagtest.c (located under bag/ directory under your lab3-XXX repo, where XXX is your GitHub user name).

Printing. First, let’s suppose we don’t have (or don’t like) the existing bag_print() method, which tends to print some text/formatting around each item. We can use our new iterator:

  printf("The bag:\n");
  bag_iterate(bag, stdout, nameprintnew);

/* print the name in quotes
void nameprintnew(void *arg, void *item)
  FILE *fp = arg; 
  char *name = item; 
  if (name == NULL) {
    fprintf(fp, "(null)");
  else {
    fprintf(fp, "\"%s\"", name); 

Here, we pass the file pointer through the arg parameter. Notice how nameprint immediately copies its arg, data parameters into local variables of the right type. That gives them more readable names and allows the compiler to check the code that follows.

Counting. Even simpler, we could just count the items. But where do we put the counter? Define a local variable and pass its address as the arg:

  printf("Count (should be %d): ", namecount);
  namecount = 0;
  bag_iterate(bag, &namecount, itemcount);
  printf("%d\n", namecount); 

/* count the non-null items in the bag.
 * note here we don't care what kind of item is in bag.
static void itemcount(void *arg, void *item)
  int *nitems = arg;

  if (nitems != NULL && item != NULL)

Examples with set_iterate()

The ‘bag’ module is nice because it is very simple, but we can do more interesting things when the items have a key as well. Let’s use set_iterate for two examples.

Merging two sets. We’ll start with a simple case. Here the sets represent schools, where the key is the name of the school. See set_iterate1. (Note also set_iterate.makefile.)

  set_t *setA, *setB, *result;     // three sets
... initialize each set with set_new
... fill setA and setB with set_insert

  printf("\nMerge of setA into result: \n");
  set_merge(result, setA);
  set_print(result, stdout, itemprint);

  printf("\nMerge of setB into result: \n");
  set_merge(result, setB);
  set_print(result, stdout, itemprint);

/* Merge the second set into the first set;
 * the second set is unchanged.
static void 
set_merge(set_t *setA, set_t *setB)
  set_iterate(setB, setA, set_merge_helper);

/* Consider one item for insertion into the other set.
static void 
set_merge_helper(void *arg, const char *key, void *item)
  set_t *setA = arg;

  if (set_insert(setA, key, item))
    printf("\t%s added\n", key);
    printf("\t%s exists\n", key);


Notice how the above approach iterates over one set (setB) and, for each item in that set, tries to insert or update its value in the first set (setA). At the end, setB is unchanged but setA should have all items from both sets.

Merging two sets and their data. Now a more interesting case, in which the set items each hold data we want to combine. In this simple test, that datum is just an integer - actually, a pointer to an integer. See set_iterate2. (Note also set_iterate.makefile.)

In this example, setA and setB each contain a set of school names, and a number for each school (say, perhaps, the number of people you know at each school). When merging two sets you want the data in the resulting set to represent the sum of the values in each set.

  set_insert(setA, "Dartmouth", intsave(20));
  printf("\nMerge of setA into result: \n");
  set_merge(result, setA);
  set_print(result, stdout, itemprint);

  printf("\nMerge of setB into result: \n");
  set_merge(result, setB);
  set_print(result, stdout, itemprint);

/* Merge the second set into the first set;
 * the second set is unchanged.
static void 
set_merge(set_t *setA, set_t *setB)
  set_iterate(setB, setA, set_merge_helper);

/* Consider one item for insertion into the other set.
 * If the other set does not contain the item, insert it;
 * otherwise, update the other set's item with sum of item values.
static void 
set_merge_helper(void *arg, const char *key, void *item)
  set_t *setA = arg;
  int *itemB = item;
  // find the same key in setA
  int *itemA = set_find(setA, key);
  if (itemA == NULL) {
    // not found: insert it
    set_insert(setA, key, intsave(*itemB));
    printf("\t%s added\n", key);
  } else {
    // add to the existing value
    *itemA += *itemB;
    printf("\t%s exists\n", key);

static int *
intsave(int item)
  int *saved = assertp(malloc(sizeof(int)), "intsave");
  *saved = item;
  return saved;

The overall structure of the code is identical to the prior example; the difference here is that we need to look up the key in the destination set first and then perhaps update its data - because we get a pointer to the data, we can easily reach in and update its value!


Iterators are super powerful. Function pointers are great!


You’ve now seen how to construct the union of two sets. In today’s activity your group discusses how you would construct the intersection of two counters - it’s very analogous, but a bit trickier. (I found that the itemfunc needed a pointer to each set, not just the one set.)