Concurrency and inconsistency

Once we have these databases all setup, we hope people will want to use them. We begin to run into problems when a lot of them want to use the database at the same time.

And it might not be people at all. Multiple continuously running applications may be simultaneously maintaining connections with the database.

As the value of the information in the database rises, so does the number of users and their dependence (or expectation) of its availability. Thus, in addition to conflicts among simultaneous access by clients and applications, you also encounter system needs such as replication, backup/restore, and maintenance.

As we saw earlier in the term, database consistency is very important in most applications.

Recall the example of the ATM machine and to bank customers trying to withdraw from the same account at nearly the same time. That was an example of what Widom calls attribute-level inconsistency.


/* Client 1 - Deposit */
    UPDATE CheckingAccount
       SET Balance = Balance + 100
     WHERE AccountNumber = 123456;
/* Client 2 - Deposit */
    UPDATE CheckingAccount
       SET Balance = Balance + 150
     WHERE AccountNumber = 123456;

Since these two clients initiate their transactions independently, the steps of the two transactions can occur in different sequences.

  • Client 1 might complete first, and then Client 2 would complete, and everything’s as expected.
  • Alternatively, the steps might interleave:

    1. Client 1 might run first by reading the Balance,
    2. Client 2 runs and reads the Balance.
    3. Then Client 1 runs again, does the +100, and stores Balance.
    4. Client 2 runs again, does the +150, and stores Balance.

Thus there are three different possible values for the Balance after these steps.

There are other levels of inconsistency: Relation-level inconsistency


/* Client 1 - Give High Cost Area increases to top performers */
UPDATE Employees
   SET Hours = Hours * 1.25
 WHERE Rating > 90;

/* Client 2 - Tri-State hourly rate Increases for full-time workers */
UPDATE Paychecks
   SET Rate = Rate * 1.05
 WHERE (State=NY OR State=CT OR State=NJ)
   AND Empid IN
            (SELECT Empid
               FROM Employees
              WHERE Hours >= 40)

Here some employees would get both increases when they only deserve one.

Finally, there is Multiple-Statement inconsistency


/* Client 1 - promote students based on hours earned */
              SELECT *
                FROM Juniors
               WHERE Hours > 90);
 WHERE Hours > 90;

/* Client 2 - Calculate class sizes */

It’s unclear which students will be counted where, or even whether they will be counted once!

As we just demonstrated, half-completed or non-sequential transactions can wreak havoc with a database’s consistency and integrity.

So is the answer to force all transactions to be serialized (isolated)?

  • That defeats the purpose of a large database serving many users.
  • We want concurrency so we can have the highest possible performance

What about multi-threaded or multi-core solutions which could potentially run against the same database? We don’t want to serialize these!

What about system failures

Stuff breaks … networks, computers, disks, … it happens. Sometimes someONE breaks stuff: disgruntled employee, hacker, terrorist, …

We also want the database to have as good a chance of surviving such attacks as possible.

  • So many stock changes happening so fast after XYZ corporation announced their plans to acquire WVU Industries that the database server crashed.
  • The power failed just as the archive of the day’s retail sales transactions process began.
  • The system might crash in the middle of our update to promote Juniors to Seniors, missing the DELETE to remove the promoted students from Juniors/.
  • The disgruntled employee logged into the database server as root and ran the command rm -rf / .

Transactions to the rescue


A Transaction is a Logical unit of work that must be entirely completed or completely aborted.

Our goal is the ability to execute Transactions (SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE, etc.) while maintaining our carefully designed and managed DB in its consistent state with all data-integrity constraints satisfied.

A Transaction typically begins automatically as the first SQL statement is run. A COMMIT ends the Transaction.1

  • Think of it as a timeline:

Transaction works because it tells the DB that it needs some peace and quiet - some uninterrupted access. This is vital to the concept. Just make sure that you never start a transaction and then wait for some unpredictable amount of time (synchronization with some other process, external state input from a sensor like thermometer, user input, etc. ). It would tie up the DB !!!

So this example from Widom would be bad:


-- get input from something or someone
Do some SQL commands using that input;
-- Confirm the results with something or someone
IF (OK?) THEN Commit; ELSE Undo;

MySQL does AutoCommit by default, which means anytime a table is changed it is written to disk. You can turn this off: SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0;

MySQL 5.6+ has START TRANSACTION READ ONLY which promises that the actions taken by this code do not modify the database - they are read only. This is helpful for concurrency

What do transactions need?



All operations of a transaction must be completed If not, the transaction is aborted.

If things don’t go well with the Transaction, we want it to abort and clean up everything it changed.

In support of Atomicity, the system maintains a transaction log.

  • Keeps track of all transactions that update the database
  • DBMS uses the information stored in a log for:
    • Recovery requirement triggered by a ROLLBACK statement
    • A program’s abnormal termination
    • A system failure

In SQL, we use ROLLBACK to clean up almost everything that changed. We say almost because ROLLBACK doesn’t cleanup:

  • SQL variables that might have been changed,
  • out-of-band actions such as
    • dropping the soda can into the delivery area
    • creation/update of a file or a different database.


Permanence of database’s consistent state.

DB designers spend a lot of time setting up integrity constraints to insure the DB is always in a valid state.

The Consistency goal means that any transaction can assume that the DB is in a consistent (valid) state when it starts, and the system will ensure that the DB is in a consistent state when the transaction finishes.


Data used during transaction cannot be used by second transaction until the first is completed

We want each client/application to think it’s running fully isolated from all others, but without really doing it (i.e., running them serially)

We strive for isolation by by analyzing the potentially concurrent actions to determine an interleaving that has the same results as if the actions were run serially.


Ensures that once transactions are committed, they cannot be undone or lost.

They will persist across transaction execution, application executions, and even system crashes.



Ensures that the schedule for the concurrent execution of several transactions should yield consistent results.

We can see that the examples we did earlier could be remedied via serializability.

Serializability means that the actions of transactions may be interleaved, but the end result must be the same as if the transactions were run in some sequential order.

This can bring DB overhead and can reduce concurrency.

A common approach to implementing serialization is via locks within the database to prevent two transactions (or two functions within two transactions)from accessing the same ddata elements at the same time.

For example, when buying tickets online for a Revolution game, once you choose the seats you want, a countdown window appears, showing how long you have to complete the transaction. This is a means of serialization on the Seats resource. Note that it is a lock only on the seats you have begun to buy, not all the seats.

Real Incident: in the middle of a transaction, after selecting seats, my WiFi router pooped out.
I quickly restarted the router and got to the seats selection page and the seats I wanted weren’t available.
EITHER the LOCK had persisted beyond my transaction (NOT GOOD!), or someone somehow grabbed the seats. I had to wait for the countdown timer (which I could no longer see) to expire. I then restarted and saw the seats available again.

This example shows how seat selection was allowed to continue, due to the support for transactions and serialization, resulting in the appearance of concurrency.

Isolation levels


If a transaction has written some data to the DB but not yet committed it, that data is Dirty Data.

If then another transaction reads that data, that is called a Dirty Read.

You can imagine the issues here.

Since serializable has costs, SQL lets us specify when to use weaker isolation levels that modify how READs are done. These specifications are Transaction based, implying they only affect the transaction they’re part of.


  1. READ UNCOMMITTED - Dirty Reads are ok; In general, SQL assumes transactions are READ WRITE, except when you allow Dirty Reads. Since that’s so risky, SQL assume the transaction is READ ONLY unless you specifically override it.
  2. READ COMMITTED - Forbids reading Dirty Data
  3. REPEATABLE READ - Implies that repeated reads of the same tuple will have identical results. Reasonable, except that the query might return phantom tuples due to some other updates to the database.

Here’s a REPEATABLE READ use case:


Suppose you have a relation R

R(id INTEGER,type VARCHAR(8))R \hspace{.07in}( \hspace{.07in}\underline{id} \text{ INTEGER} ,\hspace{.07in} type \text{ VARCHAR(8)} )

and a transaction T1T_1 with REPEATABLE READ enabled:

-- -Transaction log
-- -
SELECT ... ;
-- -  Begin some complex calculation that uses the following result
-- -  do some other stuff, then get that same result again to
-- -  finish the calculation, and this count had better be the
-- -  same as before!
-- -  more stuff
COMMIT; -- This ends the transaction

Then, while this transaction is running, a second transaction T2T_2 is begun which may add new CompSci enrollments. The T2T_2 transaction runs to completion and commits before T1T_1 finishes. With the T1T_1 transaction set to REPEATABLE READ, its calculations will be unaffected by these concurrent inserts to the ENROLLMENT table.

It would work the same if there were DELETEs instead of INSERTs.

Perhaps the Revolution Ticket purchase scheme uses READ COMMITED:


  1. Transactions with READ COMMITTED begins
  2. customer chooses seats
  3. Transaction commits the selection with the PENDING value set TRUE.
  4. a Trigger fires because of the COMMIT and PENDING=TRUE that sets a timer to run while updating the little “Time left” window.
  5. Other transactions cannot see those seats because of the COMMIT.
  6. If the timer completes, another TRIGGER is initiated which reverses the transaction and COMMITS.

So in summary (From Garcia-Molina):

Isolation Level Dirty Reads NonRepeatable Reads Phantoms
  1. Several other statements like BEGIN ..., CREATE ..., DROP ..., and others can also end a transaction. See the MySQL Documentation for a full list.