MongoDB - Replica Sets
Replica Sets
Stuff Happens
Like any computer system to database systems are vulnerable to bad things. What stmuxorts of things come to mind?
- network problems
- hardware problems
- preventative maintenance downtime to avoid networking hardware problems
- loss of power (brownouts, weather, natural disaster, etc.)
- business and social issues (strikes, hacking, etc.)
MongoDB Replica Sets
Replication is how MongoDB achieves fault tolerance and high availability.
Replication is asynchronous, via in-memory pages and the journal (oplog
All the mongos mirror each other, and there is always one primary and the others are secondaries. This assignment may change dynamically.
Drivers (like pymongo) connect to the primary for writing
Generally, Replica Sets are invisible to the user. All the app needs to know is at least one of the replica set servers… the others may be discovered thereafter.
If the primary goes down or is disconnected due to a network problem MongoDB performs a failover process. During this process, no writes to the DB can be made until a new primary is elected. The remaining systems in the replica set hold an “election” to identify a new primary. Later, if the previous primary comes back on line, it will simply wait for the next election.
Write consistency
Your driver will only write to a primary, and typically reads from there too. It can be configured to read from the secondaries there is always a chance you’ll read stale data.
says it’s ok to read from a secondary (since it could be
Live Demo
Setup replica Sets
Example from MongoDB docs:
➜ mkdir -p ~/data/cs61rs1 ~/data/cs61rs2 ~/data/cs61rs3
➜ mongod --replSet cs61 --logpath "cs61rs1.log" --dbpath ~/data/cs61rs1 --port 27017 --oplogSize 64 --fork
➜ mongod --replSet cs61 --logpath "cs61rs2.log" --dbpath ~/data/cs61rs2 --port 27018 --oplogSize 64 --fork
➜ mongod --replSet cs61 --logpath "cs61rs3.log" --dbpath ~/data/cs61rs3 --port 27019 --oplogSize 64 --fork
Typically do this on separate servers on the same port (27017). If running on a single system, use different ports.
If on a single system, you have to use ps -ax
to look at all processes to see
➜ ps -ax | grep mongo
30020 ?? 0:05.17 mongod --replSet cs61 --logpath cs61rs1.log --dbpath /Users/ccpalmer/data/cs61rs1 --port 27017 --oplogSize 64 --fork
30024 ?? 0:05.15 mongod --replSet cs61 --logpath cs61rs2.log --dbpath /Users/ccpalmer/data/cs61rs2 --port 27018 --oplogSize 64 --fork
30128 ?? 0:05.12 mongod --replSet cs61 --logpath cs61rs3.log --dbpath /Users/ccpalmer/data/cs61rs3 --port 27019 --oplogSize 64 --fork
36061 ttys001 0:00.00 grep mongo
The replicas are allocated but not initialized. Use a file like this:
// init_cs61replicas.js
// initialize replica set cs61
config = {
_id: "cs61",
version: 1,
members: [
_id: 0,
host: "localhost:27017",
_id: 1,
host: "localhost:27018",
_id: 2,
host: "localhost:27019",
mongosh --port 27018 <init_cs61Replicas.js
Write Concern
and j
are settings made with your driver that essentially define the write
paranoia level for the DB. Write concern describes the level of acknowledgment
requested from MongoDB for write operations to a standalone
or to replica sets or to
sharded clusters.
The various language drivers provide a way to choose these values:
- 0: Don’t wait for acknowledgement from the server
- 1: Wait for acknowledgement, but don’t wait for secondaries to replicate
=2: Wait for one or more secondaries to also acknowledge
- how long to wait for secondaries to acknowledge before failing- 0: indefinite
0: time to wait in milliseconds
: If true block until primary journal write operations have been committed to the disk.
These can be set based on a connection, a collection, or as a default across the entire replica set.
Heartbeat and failover
Every replica set member pings all the other members every two seconds by
default. The rs.status ()
command output shows the last timestamp for all
these heartbeats along with a guess as to that replica’s health (0 or 1).
The rs.status()
command output also identifies the Primary and Secondary(ies).
If any node is unresponsive then something must happen. There must always be exactly one primary node among the replicas.
- If the primary is the one no longer responding then an election takes place amongst the others if there are at least a majority of the replicas set nodes are visible (available).
- If a secondary goes offline, as long as there is a majority of the replica set still visible to each other the replica set will continue as is until the secondary is back online.
The election is pretty straightforward. The most up-to-date secondary will be chosen and if there’s a tie there are other strategies can can be used.
It’s possible that a majority of the nodes will not be visible after some event. If this occurs, any remaining primary will notice it and demote itself to secondary. This prevents any further writes, and gives the remaining secondaries a chance to catch up with each other if necessary.
The oplog
The oplog is a Collection in the local
database on every node. It is the
“Journal” that we’ve been talking about.
Every time a client program writes data to the primary, an entry with enough information to reproduce that write is added to the primaries blog. Once that entry is replicated to a secondary, the secondary’s oplog is also updated to store a record of the write.
Some of the fields are:
- ts: timestamp of the oplog entry
- h: a unique identifier for the oplog entry
- op: type of operation performed (usually i/u/d for insert, update or delete)
- ns: database & collection affected
- o: the new state of the document after the change
swamp: [25 - Replicas] (master)$ mongosh
MongoDB shell version v3.4.4
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.4.4
Server has startup warnings:
2017-05-24T08:57:48.999-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
2017-05-24T08:57:48.999-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: Access control is not enabled for the database.
2017-05-24T08:57:48.999-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** Read and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted.
2017-05-24T08:57:48.999-0400 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
cs61:PRIMARY> use local
switched to db local
cs61:PRIMARY> show collections
system.tenantMigration.oplogView [view]
cs61 [direct: secondary] local>
op: 'n',
ns: '',
o: { msg: 'initiating set' },
ts: Timestamp({ t: 1668131037, i: 1 }),
v: Long("2"),
wall: ISODate("2022-11-11T01:43:57.473Z")
cs61:PRIMARY>{"op": "i"})
op: 'i',
ns: 'config.system.sessions',
ui: new UUID("3ae3fec2-2c21-467c-8039-ed4948ef7210"),
o: {
_id: {
id: new UUID("7ba4594b-1fe8-4f01-a201-073fb067f127"),
uid: Binary(Buffer.from("e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855", "hex"), 0)
lastUse: ISODate("2022-11-11T02:14:43.588Z")
o2: {
_id: {
id: new UUID("7ba4594b-1fe8-4f01-a201-073fb067f127"),
uid: Binary(Buffer.from("e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855", "hex"), 0)
ts: Timestamp({ t: 1668132883, i: 3 }),
t: Long("1"),
v: Long("2"),
wall: ISODate("2022-11-11T02:14:43.588Z")
"ts": Timestamp(1495630921, 2),
"t": NumberLong(1),
"h": NumberLong("-7754511547043739871"),
"v": 2,
"op": "i",
"ns": "rstest.test",
"o": {
"_id": ObjectId("59258449c045bf8131ff6a2d"),
"dept": "CS"
} {
"ts": Timestamp(1495632469, 1),
"t": NumberLong(1),
"h": NumberLong("5792912823235359366"),
"v": 2,
"op": "i",
"ns": "rstest.test",
"o": {
"_id": ObjectId("59258a55ecb46fb177ec1f14"),
"dept": "EC"
cs61:PRIMARY> use rstest
switched to db rstest
cs61:PRIMARY> use local
WriteResult({ "nMatched" : 1, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 1 })
cs61:PRIMARY> show dbs
admin 0.000GB
local 0.000GB
rstest 0.000GB
cs61:PRIMARY> use local
switched to db local
cs61:PRIMARY>{"op": "u"})
{ "ts" : Timestamp(1495632997, 2), "t" : NumberLong(1), "h" : NumberLong("3760718468331560622"), "v" : 2, "op" : "u", "ns" : "rstest.test", "o2" : { "_id" : ObjectId("59258449c045bf8131ff6a2d") }, "o" : { "$set" : { "building" : "Sudikoff" } } }
Connecting to a replica set
Using the mongosh
shell, it’s what we’ve been using to connect to Atlas:
$ mongosh mongodb://localhost:27017,localhost:27018,localhost:27019/?replicaSet=cs61
Current Mongosh Log ID: 636db3dbf2d54643dc3b4238
Connecting to: mongodb://localhost:27017,localhost:27018,localhost:27019/?replicaSet=cs61&serverSelectionTimeoutMS=2000&appName=mongosh+1.6.0
Using MongoDB: 6.0.1
Using Mongosh: 1.6.0
cs61 [primary] cs61> rs.printReplicationInfo()
actual oplog size
'64 MB'
configured oplog size
'64 MB'
log length start to end
'176776 secs (49.1 hrs)'
oplog first event time
'Sun Mar 02 2025 22:11:43 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)'
oplog last event time
'Tue Mar 04 2025 23:17:59 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)'
'Tue Mar 04 2025 23:18:01 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)'
cs61 [primary] test> rs.printSecondaryReplicationInfo()
source: localhost:27017
syncedTo: 'Tue Mar 04 2025 23:17:59 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)',
replLag: '0 secs (0 hrs) behind the primary '
source: localhost:27019
syncedTo: 'Tue Mar 04 2025 23:17:59 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)',
replLag: '0 secs (0 hrs) behind the primary '
cs61 [primary] cs61> use test
switched to db test
db test
cs61 [primary] test> show collections
cs61 [primary] test> db.newcoll.insertOne({"name": "Bart Simpson", "age": 10})
acknowledged: true,
insertedId: ObjectId("636db3eaf2d54643dc3b4239")
cs61 [primary] test> use local
switched to db local
cs61 [primary] local>{"op" : "i"})
lsid: {
id: new UUID("5290f1ad-d60e-4dfd-ae5d-26d73b497096"),
uid: Binary(Buffer.from("e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855", "hex"), 0)
txnNumber: Long("1"),
op: 'i',
ns: 'test.newcoll',
ui: new UUID("dac9345f-4df4-4802-b311-c11c6a8e4aa3"),
o: {
_id: ObjectId("636db3eaf2d54643dc3b4239"),
name: 'Bart Simpson',
age: 10
o2: { _id: ObjectId("636db3eaf2d54643dc3b4239") },
stmtId: 0,
ts: Timestamp({ t: 1668133866, i: 2 }),
t: Long("1"),
v: Long("2"),
wall: ISODate("2022-11-11T02:31:06.417Z"),
prevOpTime: { ts: Timestamp({ t: 0, i: 0 }), t: Long("-1") }
Here’s a Python example from the MongoDB folks:
import pymongo
import sys
c = pymongo.MongoClient(host=["mongodb://localhost:27017",
db = c.test
depts = db.depts
print "inserting"
depts.insert_one({"dept":"", "Economics":"EC"})
print "inserting"
depts.insert_one({"dept":"Computer Science", "abbrev":"CS"})
print "inserting"
depts.insert_one({"dept":"Electrical Engineering", "abbrev":"EE"})
except Exception as e:
print "Unexpected error:", type(e), e
print "completed the inserts"
Run the example and then return to look at the oplog.
When failover occurs
If the Primary goes offline, all writes stop. Reads may continue, depending on
, but default is no.
If you write code that does not catch exceptions, when an anomaly occurs your code will likely abort. This is a bad idea.
Here’s an example that does a bunch of inserts while not watching for exceptions. We’ll disturb the replica set during its execution to see what happens.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Insert documents without handling exceptions (NOT RECOMMENDED)
# Code from MongoDB for Developers (Python) class
import pymongo
import sys
import time
c = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017,localhost:27018,localhost:27019/test?replicaSet=cs61')
db = c.cs61
things = db.things
things.delete_many({}) # remove all the docs in the collection
for i in range(0,500):
print "Inserted Document: " + str(i)
except Exception as e:
print "Exception ",type(e), e
Let’s try it:
- determine which rs is primary
- connect to that with
- run the python in another window
- back to primary in the shell and run
db.adminCommand({replSetStepDown: 1, secondaryCatchUpPeriod: 1, force: true})
- then back to the python screen to see if writes slowed or were lost
Example from MongoDB for how to properly handle anomalies during execution
#!/usr/bin/env python
Insert documents in a safe manner and catches expected errors.
# Code from MongoDB for Developers (Python) class
import sys
import time
c = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017,localhost:27018,localhost:27019/test?replicaSet=cs61')
db = c.cs61
things = db.things
things.delete_many({}) # remove all the docs in the collection
for i in range(0,500):
for retry in range (3):
print "Inserted Document: " + str(i)
except pymongo.errors.AutoReconnect as e:
// primary failure, network anomaly, etc.
print "Exception ",type(e), e
print "Retrying.."
except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError as e:
// just in case the insert had succeeded when
// the AutoReconnect came in
print "duplicate..but it worked"
Let’s try it:
determine rs primary
connect to that with
run the python in another window
back to primary in the shell and run
db.adminCommand({replSetStepDown: 1, secondaryCatchUpPeriod: 1, force: true})
then back to the python screen to note no writes were lost
This is how you should write code to do inserts on Replica Sets !
After the failover
After failover occurs, the original primary may return online. When that primary went down, all of its writes may not have been fully replicated to the others. Thus, those writes aren’t in place on the secondary systems, including the one that is now the primary.
Then suppose that original primary comes back up. If it detects that it has writes that were never replicated, that system will rollback all of those writes. The details are saved in a file just in case.
Other settings for w
and j
If your db updates are really important, you may want to use different
settings for w
and/or j
In our example with three replicas, setting w=3
tells the primary to block
write operations until they have replicated to w-1
# Code from MongoDB for Developers (Python) class
import pymongo
read_pref = pymongo.read_preferences.ReadPreference.SECONDARY
c = pymongo.MongoClient(host="mongodb://localhost:27017",
w=3, wtimeout=10000, j=True,
db = c.m101
people = db.people
print "inserting"
people.insert({"name":"Andrew Erlichson", "favorite_color":"blue"})
print "inserting"
people.insert({"name":"Richard Krueter", "favorite_color":"red"})
print "inserting"
people.insert({"name":"Dwight Merriman", "favorite_color":"green"})
orderly replica set shutdown
- on each secondary, issue
use admin
and thendb.runCommand({ replSetFreeze: 120 })
to make it flush, cleanup, and wait. This keeps them from stepping up as a primary. - on the primary, issue
use admin
and thenrs.stepDown()
to have it demote itself to secondary. - once every member of the replica set is a secondary, run
use admin
and thendb.shutdownServer()
on each of them.