import pymongo # mongodb connector from pprint import pprint import datetime from datetime import date server = "mongodb+srv://" #server = "mongodb://localhost" try: # initialize server connection connection = pymongo.MongoClient(server) print("Connection established.") except pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError as err: print("Connection failure:") print(err) # Fetch list of all databases print('DB\'s present on the system:') for dbn in connection.list_database_names(): print(' %s' % dbn) # Connect to my database db = connection.test print("connected to db") # get handle for test collection collection = db.posts print("connected to db.posts collection") try: print("create some entries") # from pyMongo docs post1 = {"author": "Pat", "text": "Say hello to my new blog!", "tags": ["mongodb", "pymongo", "python"], "date": datetime.datetime.utcnow()} post_id = collection.insert_one(post1).inserted_id print("post_id 1: {}".format(post_id)) post2 = {"author": "Pat", "text": "The second post!", "tags": ["mongodb", "pymongo", "python", "examples"], "date": datetime.datetime.utcnow()} post_id = collection.insert_one(post2).inserted_id print("post_id 2: {}".format(post_id)) except Exception as e: print("Error trying to write to collection:", type(e), e) print(" find them all using a cursor AND pretty:") try: iter = collection.find() print("back from find") for item in iter: # Show all the ObjectId's along just for fun print("ObjectId: {} ".format(item.get('_id')), end='') pprint(item) except Exception as e: print("Error trying to read collection:", type(e), e) print("cleaning up") # drop the collection we just made & close the connection collection.drop() print("\nConnection closed.")