Title Page
Varietie of Lute-lessons: viz. Fantasies, Pavins, Galliards,
Almaines, Corantoes, and Volts: Selected out of the best approued AUTHORS as
well as beyond the Seas as of our owne Country.
by Robert Doland.
Whereunto is annexed certaine Observations belonging to LVTE-playing: By
Iohn Baptisto Besardo of Visonti.
Also a short Treatise therunto appertayning: by em Iohn Douland Batcheler
of M U S I C K E.
London: Printed for Thomas Adams, 1610.
segment from Besardo
For the vse of the right hand.
First,let your little finger on
the belly of the Lvte, not towards the Rose,but a little lower,stretch
out your Thombe with all the force you can, especially if thy Thombe be
short,so that the other fingers may be carryed in a manner of a fist, and
let the Thombe be held higher then them, this in the beginning will be
hard.Yet they which haue a short Thombe may imitate those which strike the
strings with the Thombe vnder the other fingers,which though it be nothing
so elegant, yet to them it will be more easie.
Now choosing one of these kinds,learne first to strike the strings more hard
and cleare,whether they be one or more that are to be stricken: and that you
may strike them with the right fingers, marke whether one string or more
then one are to be stricken: if more then one, keepe this rule, let two
strings which stand close together be stroken with the Thombe and fore
fingers: if two strings be distant one from another so that there be one or
two strings betwixt them, strike them with the Thombe and middle finger:
stike also three strings,with the Thombe, the fore-finger and middle finger
:foure strings with all the other fingers (excepting the little finger,) if
more be to be stroken (as oft there be) keeping the same order with your
fingers, let the Thombe and the fore-finger stike each of them two strings
if so many be to be stroken.
To know how to strike single strings, being found amongst full
Now that you may know with which finger you must strike those notes
which are found alone without the Griffes,examine diligentlie the measure
that each hath to it allotted,and if a letter be set immediatlie after any
Griffe, which letter is of the same measure with the Griffe,then when you
have played that Griffe,you must needes begin the Note following with your
fore-finger at all times,and afterwards vse the Thombe if you meet a third
note, and so goe forwards by degrees,keeping such order with the Thombe and
fore-finger, so that as long as you play in the measure you begin nothing
with the thombe twise together,nor follow with the fore-finger twise
together, till you come to a letter or Griffe where the measure chaunges;
which letter (if it were alone) must needes be stroke with the Thombe at all
times.But if after the griffe you find a Note with hath ouer it any change
of time, then having played that Griffe,begin the Note following with the
Thombe, staying a while vpon the said Griffe or Note going before, as the
nature of the time shall require. Yet failes that rule when the time going
before hath a pricke put to it : for then it must be precisely obserued,
that after (which hath a pricke adioyned) the Note following though it be
measured with a new measure,must be strooke with the fore-finger, and the
other notes with the thombe and fore-finger,one after another. Yet is ther
an exception in this exception: for when you finde a Griffe measured with a
pricke,as for example [1.] and there may follow it many Notes,the first
whereof is [3],or if you meet with such a one [2.] and after is such a one
[4], although the measure with a pricke doe go before, yet must that which
follows,contrarie to this rule,begin with the Thombe. For example of this
Rule and other things which I have formerly propounded, let this suffice :
for the better vnderstanding whereof, note that the letters which you shall
finde without a pricke added to them,
Wherefore the numbers
before the letters scrueth???
must be stroke with the right hand Thombe
:those which have a pricke set by them or vnder them,with the fore-finger,
the other numberss doe shew the application of other letters played
together: the number of 2.signifieth the middle finger : the number of 3.the
next finger.
The Example of the first Rule.
________________________c_1___c_2___c_2___a_ ___a_ __________________________
________________________d_3___d_4___d_4___a_ ___a_ __________________________
____________________________________________ ___c_1__________________________
____________________________________________ ___a_ __________________________
Example of the second Rule.
___a_ _________________________a_ ___||
_____ ___________________________ ___||
Example of the third Rule.
3 3 1
___a_ ___c_d_f_d_c_a_c_2_____
_____ _________________ ___||
___a_ _________________ ___||
_____ _________________ ___||
Example of the Fourth Rule
2. 3 2
___c_ ___________c_ __||
An example of an exception from the fourth Rule.
___________c_2___a___c___d_3___a_ _______a___c_2_____
___________d_4_______.___a_ ___c_2___d___.___d_4___||
___________d_3_____________ ___d_3___________d_3___||
_____________ ___________c_2_____ _____________ ___||
_____________ _____________ ___a_ _____________ ___||
_______________________________________________ ___||
_a_ _a_
Of playing with the two fingers.
These things being well
obserued, know that the two first fingers may be vsed in Diminutions very
well insteed of the Thombe and the fore-finger,if they be placed with some
Bases,so that the middle finger be in place of the Thombe,which Thombe
whilst it is occupied in striking at least the Bases, both the hands will be
graced,and that vnmanly motion of the Arme (which many cannot so well
auoide) shall be shunned. But if with the said Diminutions there ne not set
Bases which are to be stopped,I will not counsel you to vse the two first
fingers,but rather the Thombe and the fore-finger: neither will I wish you
to vse the two fore-fingers,if you be to proceede (that is to runne) into
the fourth,fift or sixt string with the Diminutions set also with some
A good Note.
Besides you shall know that low letters
placed in the Bases,from the fourth Chorus to the ninth,if they be
noted with this time [2] may be more fitly,nay must be all strooke with the
Thombe,and most commonly so they are stroken,although this time [3] be put
to them, as you shall more easily see in the example following:
1 2 1 2 1 3 1
___________________________d_4_______a_ _____ ______________ ____
___________________________b_1_______b_1_____ ____________a_ ___|
___________________________b_1_______d_3___b_1____________a_ ___|
__________________a__c__e__ _________ ___c_2____________b_1___|
_______________c___________d_3___c___a_ _____ _________a__c_2___|
_____________________________ _________ ___a_ ___c__d_______ ___|
I could with you take as much paines in marking the Measures,as in
the other former rules,especially if you are a beginner be not too hastie in
handling the {\sc Lvte}, for I dare promise you fathfully and without
deceit, that nothing is more fit to second this businesse than patience in
the beginning : for nothing can be gotten in an instant,and you must not
thinke to play your lessons perfectly at first sight,for that is impossible.
Wherefore take no other care but onely to strike all the Griffes and Notes
that are in the middle betwixt them well and plainely,though slowly : for
within a while,whether you will or no,you will get a habit of swiftnesse.
Neither can you get that cleere expressing of Notes, vnlesse you doe vse
your selfe to that in the beginnning:which cleane deliuery euery man that
favours Musicke, doth farre preferre before all the swiftneese and
vnreasonable noyse that can be. This more I will tell you, you must be
carefull when you beginne to learne to carry your body comely, and the right
hand stedely. Some there be that binde their right hand with a napkin or
girdle while they play upon the {\sc Lute}, that they may seeme to move
nothing but their fingers \& ioynts,which you must vse so that in running
they may seeme scarcely to be moued: in like sort you must vse the Thombe
and the fore-fnger.
typed by Peter Dickof, <pdickof@eagle.wbm.ca>
Sat, 09 Sep 1995 10:29:08 -0600