Einzeldrucke vor 1800. ed.: Karlheinz Schlager. (Kassel, Basel, Tours [etc.]:
Bärenreiter-Verl., 1971-1981. International inventory of musical sources, Series A, pt. I
Recueils imprimés XVIe-XVIIe siècles. ed., François Lesure. (München: G. Henle 1960)
International inventory of musical sources. Series B; pt. I.
Recueils imprimés: XVIIIe siècle. ed., François Lesure (München: G. Henle, c1964)
International inventory of musical sources. Series B, pt. II.
Also see 1978 (Boetticher), below.
A masterpiece of music bibliography. It is particularly useful due to its many indexes of names (composers), titles, performance medium, libraries and their holdings, with references in the lists proper to modern editions (as of 1965) and concordances.
Carelessness and lack of thought regarding the requisites of a musical bibliography make this a disappointing reference tool for all working in the field. See the reviews by Douglas Alton Smith in Journal of the Lute Society of America, 12 (1979): 78-82; Dinko Fabris in Nuova rivisita musicale italiana 15 (1981):457-61; and Arthur J Ness in Journal of the American Musicological Society 34 (1981): 339-45. https://www.academia.edu/9263282/Boetticher_Handschriftlich_._._._Lauten-_und_Gitarrentabulaturen_RISM_Bvii_
Inventory of lute and keyboard tablature manuscripts in Swedish libraries; includes thematic index, concordances and other information.
An amateur lute enthusiast's labor of love. The fifth edition is significantly improved, but should be used with caution.
Title inventories with concordances. An essential bibliography of manuscript tablatures, with references to modern editions and studies. Additional volumes in preparation. The indexes, included on a microfiche, are now available on-line, with a complete listing of cited manuscripts, and volumes in preparation. See http://www.bnu.fr/Smt/sommaire.htm
Title inventory with thematic incipits in tablature of lute manuscripts formerly in the Prussian State Library, Berlin.
Use with caution.
A major resource. Includes concordances and tablature incipits.
Complete dissertations can now be downloaded. You need to have a library that subscribes.
You can login to a free subscription to make personal and public bibliographies in a number of formats; be sure to use the filters in the left column, e. g., “theses/dissertations,” “music scores,” etc. A major resource; aka OCLC). Take advantage of the World Catalogue's offer to let you make lists and store them in their computer. See upper right corner. Just think how long it took you to type up the bibliography in your thesis. Now you can compile it with hardly any typing at all. Thanks to the folks at World Cat.
Searches libraries world-wide, including several national union catalogues; also links to several antiquarian dealers, some international in coverage.
International coverage; includes works in progress. Not all items are tagged with keywords
See Karlsruhe for more union catalogues; the Italian ones are especially good.
I can't get it to work for me
--AJN (Boston) (6 February 2011) (updates April 13 2015)