Sources of Lute Music: A Short List of "Finding Tools"

By Arthur J Ness, typeset by Wayne Cripps, in progress.
All typos are Wayne's with the assistance of Arthur
Arthur J. Ness, 11 February 1998 (rev. 30 October 2010)
Wayne strongly recommends that you get to know your interlibrary loan specialist at your local library. A good librarian can get you any book, even though it is not in your local library. Also the amazing World Catalogue (below) will let you enter your ZIP code and it will tell you the nearest library holding the item you seek; most libraries, including academic libraries, welcome visitors. So what you seek may be just down the road a piece.

Literature and Modern Editions

Some finding tools for literature and modern editions of lute music (some emphasis on finding tools for dissertations and theses.) Some search terms you may wish to use:
luteLaute liutolautoluit
et cetera.

--AJN (Boston) (6 February 2011) (updates April 13 2015)