Other lute pages
This is a collection of pages with more information about the lute. It is
arranged in the chronological order - new additions are at the bottom
of the page.
- Cindy's Harp Page
- Wayne's Home Page
- Tom Berghan
Arto Wikla's Music Page
- Arto's string calculator
- Gamut Strings Catalog
- Editions Orphee
- Federico Marincola's home page
- Arthur Robb, Lute Maker
Arthur Robb's Assistance for Novice Lute Makers
- Ut Orpheus publications
- tablature in Microform at DUKE
- Galpin Society
- Ardival Harps
- Kenji Sano's
"The Early Music Company"
- Schola Cantorum Basiliensis Home Page
- Lute drawing list
- Amherst Early Music
- Kenneth Sparr's store
- Clive Titmuss
- David Van Edwards lutes
- Kingham Cases
Michael F. Stitt's Lute and Bach page
- Marcello Armand-Pilon, lute maker
- Stephen Barber & Sandi Harris, lutemakers
- The Story Minstrels
- Aquila USA Strings
Curtis Daily
Stephen Murphy, lutemaker
- The Italian luthier Giuseppe Tumiati
- Stefan Lundgren
Online Lute Tutor
- Paolo Busato, Lutemaker
- Hopkinson Smith
- Andreas v. Holst, lutemaker
Andrew Hartig's The Renaissance Cittern Page
- Donatella Galletti's lute page
- Grant Tomlinson
Interesting page on lutes in antiquity
- Continuo New York
- Frank Wallace
- John Buckman's suggestions for fixing up a cheap lute
- Web gallery of art
- Douglas Alton Smith's book of lute history
- Martin Sheperd, lutemaker with lots of helpful advice about buying a lute
- Roman M. Turovsky
- Who is who in the Lutenet
- Andrew Maginley
- tablature in PDF Richard Civiol some password required - I think you can type anything
- Alexander Batof
- Zak Ozmo
- Rob MacKillop
- pictures collected by Alfonso Marin
- Lynda Sayce's Theorbo page
- Thomas Schall
- Eric Redlinger's medieval lute page
- Benjamin Narvey, Luthiste
- OMI Facsimiles
- Lynne Lewandowski Harps For Early Music
- Robert Barto
- Miguel Serdoura
- Richard Darsie Silver Sound
- Arthur Ness
- David van Ooijen
lute, guitar, shamisen
- Andrew Byrne
- peter martin's list of mss on lune
- spanish old documents on line - l milan
- facsimilies of old books on line
- Chris Wilke
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