New Lutes

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New Instruments

Here is a famous lute player, holding a copy of a seven course lute by Venere. This lute is a copy of a Hieber instrument, by Richard Fletcher. It has 8 courses. Each course is a pair of strings, except for the highest pitched course, which usually is a single string. Both of these lutes are renaissance lutes.
This lute is an eleven course baroque lute, by Mike Schreiner.... If you click it you can see a larger picture! Another lute by Richard Fletcher.
A theorbo by Larry Brown

Three lutes by Grant Tomlinson

A lute by Andres Sender

A vihuela by Joel van Lennep and the back of the same instrument

A theorbo by Joel van Lennep and the the back

A lute by Joel van Lennep and the the back and the side

Don't cut that lute open!

A lot of people wonder what is inside a lute. This lute interior is by Joel Van Lennep.

A theorbo by Oliver Wadsworth A guitar by Oliver Wadsworth

A vihuela by John Rollins An archlute by John Rollins

4 views of a baroque lute by John Lucas

Arthur Robb

A German Baroque lute by Sebastián Núñez

A baroque lute by Ray Nurse

A lute rosette by Frank Krüger

Two lutes by Robert Lundberg

Renaissance guitars by Dan O"Keefe

A Mandolin by Matthias Wagner. Two more mandolins, a theorbo front and back and a rose for a barogue guitar.

back and side of a lute by Claude Guibord

A renaissance guitar, baroque guitar (and back) and theorbo (and back) by Anna Radice

two pictures of a vihuela, rosette complete by Cezar Mateus

a "tiorbino" by Paolo Busato, and the back

renaissance guitar by Stephen Murphy and back

Baroque lute with 13 courses by Petr Vavrous, Pragae

Lute by Takao Inoue

10 Course lute by Daniel Larson in 1998

Joel van Lennep Fixing a lute

10 Course lute by Ken Brodkey 2005 back view

13 course swan neck lute by Edward Rusnak back front

A Medieval lute by Cesar Mateus. A closeup of the neck

large French theorbo for continuo work by David Van Edwards. Note that it uses single courses.


If you make lutes, and you want your lute pictured here, send a good quality photo or scanned photo to me!
disclaimer I have not even heard most of these instruments personally, so I can make no recomendations about the makers and instruments listed here.

I choose pictures based on how well they show the variety of styles of lutes being made now, on my idea of their pictorial quality when displayed on a computer screen, and on my idea of the visual interest of the instrument itself. I reserve the right to refuse to display any pictures that do not add the the educational and visual interest of this page, and to limit the number of pictures by any particular maker.

Pictures and addresses are displayed in the order in which I received them.

Wayne Cripps, 6211 Sudikoff Hall, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H. 03755-3510 U.S.A.

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