MPCS: Mobile-based Patient Compliance System for Chronic Illness Care


Guanling Chen, Bo Yan, Minho Shin, David Kotz, and Ethan Berke. MPCS: Mobile-based Patient Compliance System for Chronic Illness Care. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Ubiquitous Mobile Healthcare Applications (MobiCare), pages 1–7. IEEE, July 2009. doi:10.4108/ICST.MOBIQUITOUS2009.6829. ©Copyright ICST.


More than 100 million Americans are currently living with at least one chronic health condition and expenditures on chronic diseases account for more than 75 percent of the $2.3 trillion cost of our healthcare system. To improve chronic illness care, patients must be empowered and engaged in health self-management. However, only half of all patients with chronic illness comply with treatment regimen. The self-regulation model, while seemingly valuable, needs practical tools to help patients adopt this self-centered approach for long-term care.

In this position paper, we propose Mobile-phone based Patient Compliance System (MPCS) that can reduce the time-consuming and error-prone processes of existing self-regulation practice to facilitate self-reporting, non-compliance detection, and compliance reminders. The novelty of this work is to apply social-behavior theories to engineer the MPCS to positively influence patients’ compliance behaviors, including mobile-delivered contextual reminders based on association theory; mobile-triggered questionnaires based on self-perception theory; and mobile-enabled social interactions based on social-construction theory. We discuss the architecture and the research challenges to realize the proposed MPCS.

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Keywords: [mhealth] [wearable]

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[Kotz research]