Experimental Validation of Analytical Performance Models for IEEE 802.11 Networks


Shrirang Mare, David Kotz, and Anurag Kumar. Experimental Validation of Analytical Performance Models for IEEE 802.11 Networks. Proceedings of the Workshop on WIreless Systems: Advanced Research and Development (WISARD), pages 1–8. IEEE, January 2010. doi:10.1109/COMSNETS.2010.5431957. ©Copyright IEEE.


We consider the simplest IEEE 802.11 WLAN networks for which analytical models are available and seek to provide an experimental validation of these models. Our experiments include the following cases: (i) two nodes with saturated queues, sending fixed-length UDP packets to each other, and (ii) a TCP-controlled transfer between two nodes. Our experiments are based entirely on Aruba AP-70 access points operating under Linux. We report our observations on certain non-standard behavior of the devices. In cases where the devices adhere to the standards, we find that the results from the analytical models estimate the experimental data with a mean error of 3-5%.

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