@inproceedings{gray:overview, author = {Robert S. Gray}, title = {Soldiers, agents and wireless networks: a report on a military application}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the Practical Application of Intelligent Agent and Multi Agent Technology}, year = {2000}, month = {April}, pages = {1--6}, copyright = {IEEE}, group = {cmc,agents,coabs}, url = {http://cmc.cs.dartmouth.edu/papers/gray:overview.ps.gz}, urlpdf = {http://cmc.cs.dartmouth.edu/papers/gray:overview.pdf}, abstract = {Ideally soldiers in the field would have portable computing devices, which, connected with a wireless network, would provide access to military databases, terrain maps, and other soldiers. In this report and the associated invited talk, the author presents some routing and mobilecode technologies that have been developed to support soldiers in the field, as well as the highly intelligent network-sensing and planning agents that will be needed to fully solve the networking problems.} }