Fred B. Schneider has been on the faculty of Cornell's Computer Science Department since 1978. His research concerns concurrent systems, particularly distributed and fault-tolerant ones for mission-critical applications. He has worked on formal methods as well as protocols and system architectures for this setting. A member of the joint Cornell-Tromso TACOMA project, he is currently investigating the use of mobile agents for structuring distributed applications. Schneider is managing editor of Distributed Computing, and a member of the editorial boards of: ACM Computing Surveys, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, High Integrity Systems, Information Processing Letters, and Annals of Software Engineering. He is co-author of an introductory text on logic and discrete mathematics; his monograph on concurrent programming should be in print by the year's end. Schneider is a Fellow of the ACM and AAAS. He is also a Professor-at-Large at the University of Tromso (Norway).