DWTA '97

Abstract for Clark Williams and Larry Wisneski

Name: Clark Williams
Organization: S.I.G.H.
E-mail: S.I.G.H@ix.netcom.com

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Name: Larry Wisneski
Organization: MTI
E-mail: wisneski@mti.com

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We have designed and implemented an abstract network monitor which uses mobile agents to examine and control electronic resources in a heterogeneous network utilizing a common and consistent graphic user interface.

We have reduced network load in an intranet solution, which promotes a common interface for multiple devices, in a reasonably secure licensable environment.

Our interest is in furthering the discussion of mobile agents, since that is the foundation of our design. Specifically security and communications between agents which are currently contained in a singularity of electronic resources.

Generated automatically on Mon Feb 23 20:26:04 EST 1998