Dartmouth Workshop on Transportable Agents
If you are attending the workshop, you need to fill out and send in
the registration form. The early registration
deadline is September 5.
After a greatly successful 1996 workshop, we are
happy to host another workshop on transportable agents.
What are transportable agents?
Agents are programs that can act autonomously. Transportable (or
"mobile") agents are agents that can migrate from host to host across
the network and interact with other agents. The goal of the workshop
is to identify and discuss the scientific and engineering challenges
that must be met in an effective mobile-agent system; such a system
should provide flexible, efficient, uniform and reliable access to
dynamically changing resources in unreliable, heterogeneous networks.
The foundations of transportable agents are currently being developed
in several technical communities-- artificial intelligence,
distributed systems, and programming languages-- with very little
interaction and feedback.
Our forum will bring together prominent researchers from these three
communities to define a unified long-term vision and a short-term list
of scientific challenges. A unified vision will focus current agent
research and encourage collaboration among the different communities.
Late September is beautiful in northern New Hampshire and Vermont. We
hope you can come!
The workshop begins on Friday evening with a keynote speech by John
Ousterhout, followed by a reception. On Saturday, topical
discussions will be led by Joel Saltz (UMD), Danny Lange
(General Magic), Tuomas Sandholm (Washington University), Tim
Finin (UMBC), Greg Jorstad (Lockheed-Martin), Victor
Lesser (UMass), and Michael Wellman (U. Michigan).
How you can attend
Attendance is by invitation only, but the invitation process is
reasonably straightforward.
We encourage agent-system builders, agent programmers, and people who
have thought a lot about agents, to attend. So that we can all know
each other's background before the workshop, please submit (by email)
- a one-page abstract describing your interest in transportable
agents (e.g., an agent that you are developing that might be
amenable to transportable-agent technology, or
a transportable-agent system they have developed), and
- a short bio of each potential attendee from your project
- an indication of whether you would like to present a poster
at the Saturday-night reception
To maintain the workshop atmosphere, we reserve the right to limit
attendance if necessary. You should send your application by August 7,
1997. If space allows, late applications will be accepted on a first-come,
first-served basis.
Poster session. On Saturday evening the reception will be held
in a room surrounded by posters presented by attendees. If you're
interested, let us know.
If you have been invited and decide to attend the workshop, you need to
fill out and send in the registration form.
There is a fee for the workshop.
To get the lowest fee, you must send in the registration form by September 5.
There will be no formal proceedings. We will put all the invitees'
abstracts onto the Web, so you can learn about their research that
Directions and Housing
Dartmouth College is located in Hanover, New Hampshire.
The closest airports are Lebanon, New Hampshire; Manchester, New Hampshire;
Burlington, Vermont; and Boston, Massachusetts.
The workshop will be held at the Thayer School of Engineering (Cummings Hall),
which is in grid square C4 of the campus map.
The Hanover green,
which is mentioned in the driving instructions,
is the big empty space in grid squares E5 and F5.
If you do not want to rent a car, there are other ways to get from Boston
to Hanover. The Dartmouth MiniCoach (1-800-637-0123) has four or five
round-trips each day, directly from Logan airport in Boston to the Dartmouth
campus and back again. Vermont Transit (1-800-552-8737) is the local
Greyhound affiliate and has some Logan-Dartmouth connections.
There are many hotels in
the area, but they fill quickly during this popular "leaf" season
in northern New Hampshire. Book a room now!
Workshop Chairs
George Cybenko,
David Kotz,
Daniela Rus
IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Operating Systems and Application Environments
Dartmouth Center for Mobile Computing
Nortel (Northern Telecom)
Air Force Office of Scientific Research MURI grant F49620-97-1-0382
David Kotz --
Last modified: Fri Jul 25 19:10:57 1997