Daniela Rus - What does it mean for a mobile agent system to be scalable
and fault tolerant?
From Jim Waldo - Scale and Fail
What are the metrics for scalabilty? From DARPA CoABS we have
Number of agents
Do you have other suggestions?
?? - to add places where agents execute- how many platforms, network
Mudumbai Ranganathan - - communication complexity
Nelson Minar - the understanability of the system.
David Kotz - how do you vary this variable?
?? - regularity (lattice, nearest neighbor)
Mudumbai Ranganathan - how scalable is the location tracking? separate
naming from where names are located
David Kotz -is that a control variable or a metric? sounds
like neither? how do you measure success or complexity
Keith Marzullo - number of administrative domains
What do you measure about the system to know that it scaled in that diminesion?
round trip time
completion time
Can I get more ideas from you?
Larry Korba - the network load imposed by the system. You would
like to use the netowrk for other services
Dwight Duego - The number of tranistions- minimize the number of
Raja Pandey - relative measures. What is the context of using a
mobile agent? Compare the performance of mas w/ traditional system or itself.
Could be very application specific. How to reduce the amount of search
to be done
David Kotz - what metrics were different?
Michael Wiess - The amount of overhead needed to coordinate actions
- not network load, also control,
David Kotz - metric is the same, but you break it out yes, more
than just network
Peter Doemel - measure the load that is put on the machines supporting
system how the agent system interacts with the environment
Anand Tripathi - robustness. many kinds of exceptions. stability issues.
new kinds of failure modes.
George Cybenko -some metric that captures guarenteed correctness.
what confidence do you have that the system completes independent of the
Pierre-Antoine Queloz - how do metrics degrade with congestion. how
do we define that the system has not scaled? when is scalability not sufficient
Daniela Rus -how is that different from expectations of throughput?
Pierre-Antoine Queloz - because the load can be very high, but you still have more or
less good performancs
Gul Agha - more is less.... Define what trade offs are acceptable.
Mudumbai Ranganathan - what is fundamentally different from traditional distributed systems?
Daniela Rus - yes, these are issues in other systems. hopefully, today we will
define what's different. Ma has autonomy - can move around - contribute
to load balancing - how can autonomy help out?
?? - utilization or effectivesss?
From afterwards. Koichi Haruna wished to contribute the following note.
"I understand scalability of mobile agents as follows: In terms of
a brain which is in a network of brains, I like the system where newcomers
including births are welcome, live in harmony and act in collaboration,
and can die or leave comfortably."