DAPPLE Example: pi
Source code:
// pi -- a parallel program to compute pi
// written using the Data-Parallel Programming Library for Education (DAPPLE)
// We compute pi as the integral of 4 / (1 + x^2) for x from 0 to 1.
// we do this by using the rectangle rule to approximate the integral.
// All function values can be computed in parallel, then sum-reduced.
// David Kotz 1994
// $Id: pi.cc,v 1.6 95/02/21 18:12:06 dfk CS15 Locker: dfk $
#include "dapple.h"
// we divide the x range up into N intervals, computing the function at N points
const int N = 1000;
// which VP am I? useful for VP-specific math
const intVector VP(N, Identity);
main(int argc, char **argv)
const double width = 1.0 / N; // width of each interval
doubleVector X(N), Y(N); // X points, Y=f(X)
// we compute pi as the integral of 4 / (1 + x^2) for x from 0 to 1
// we do this by using the rectangle rule to approximate the integral
X = (floatVector(VP) + 0.5) * width; // find the midpoint of each interval
Y = 4.0 / (1.0 + X * X); // compute the function there
// sum the area of each rectangle (Y is the height of the rectangle)
cout << "pi ~= " << sum (width * Y) << endl;
pi ~= 3.14159