Moving data

DAPPLE has many ways of rearranging the data in a vector or matrix, or more correctly, producing a new vector or matrix with the rearranged data of another matrix.


The elements of a vector may be shifted left (toward smaller-numbered positions) or right (toward higher-numbered positions). All elements participate, regardless of which are active. As elements are shifted to the right, the left side of the vector fills with zeros. Similarly, as elements are shifted left, the right side fills with zeros. For example, intVector A(N), B(N); ... A = shift(B, 3); // shift right: A[i+3] = B[i], except A[0..2] = 0 A = shift(B, -2); // shift left: A[i-2] = B[i], except A[N-2..N-1] = 0

Another form of shifting is pack : all active, non-zero elements are pushed to the left, and zero elements pushed right, so that all the active non-zeros are contiguous in the vector, in the same relative order as they began.

intVector A(N), B(N); ... A = pack(B);

A Matrix shift is similar, except that two offsets are specified: one for rows, and one for columns.

floatMatrix A(N), B(N); ... A = shift(B, 3, 4); // shift each element 3 down and 4 right

There is no Matrix pack() operation.


Rotating a vector is similar to shifting a vector, except that instead of filling one side with zeros, the values wrap around. All elements participate, regardless of which are active. intVector A(N), B(N); ... A = rotate(B, 3); // rotate right: A[i+3 mod N] = B[i] A = rotate(B, -2); // rotate left: A[i-2+N mod N] = B[i]

Matrix rotations are similar to the vector rotations, in the same way that matrix shifts are similar to the vector shifts. Thus,

floatMatrix A(N), B(N); intVector S(N); // an amount to shift ... A = rotate(B, 3, 4); // rotate each element 3 down and 4 right A = rotate_rows(B, S); // rotate each row i by S[i] A = rotate_cols(B, S); // rotate each column i by S[i]


Permuting a vector moves each active element of the input vector to a destination in the output vector determined by a second input (permutation) vector, whose elements contain the new position for each active element. A permutation is always an intVector. floatVector A(N), B(N); intVector P(N); // a permutation, ie, each element is in 0..N-1 ... A = permute(B, P); // permute B by P The result vector is initialized to be the same as the input vector, and then overwritten by copying the active elements from the input vector to the appropriate destination element in the result vector. Thus, active elements may move to inactive positions.

There is no Matrix permutation operation.