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#include <gfs.h>

void gfs_init(char *ioplist);


gfs_init lets the run-time library set up its internal data structures, and registers the application with the I/O servers. ioplist is used if the application wants to use a non-standard list of IOPs. If ioplist is NULL, then the default IOP list is used. This parameter will almost always be NULL.


gfs_init returns 0 if the client manages to connect with all the IOPs and everything seems to be fine. The call returns -1 if something goes wrong (in which case, gfs_errno is set appropriately).


The client couldn't find a list of I/O servers. This error probably means that you should run gfsconfig.

When using TCP/IP, the client couldn't create a socket to connect to an IOP. This probably means there are too many sockets open on the machine, but I'm not promising anything. Hopefully this will never happen.

One of the IOPs isn't responding. It would probably be a good idea to stop them all, and then restart them.

Historical note - the original ERRORS section:

None. The program will die a nasty, messy death if anything goes wrong. Ironically, fixing this problem would probably be faster than writing it in this man page.

-- Just for the record, I was wrong.
Handling setup errors was a real pain in the ass.

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