MobiCom Poster Abstract: Bandwidth Reservation using WLAN Handoff Prediction
Libo Song, Udayan Deshpande, Ulaş C. Kozat, David Kotz, and Ravi Jain. MobiCom Poster Abstract: Bandwidth Reservation using WLAN Handoff Prediction. ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communication Review, volume 10, number 4, pages 22–23. ACM, October 2006. doi:10.1145/1215976.1215987. ©Copyright ACM. Poster presented at Mobicom 2005.Abstract:
Many network services may be improved or enabled by successful predictions of users’ future mobility. The success of predictions depend on how much accuracy can be achieved on real data and on the sensitivity of particular applications to this achievable accuracy. We investigate these issues for the case of advanced bandwidth reservation using real WLAN traces collected on the Dartmouth College campus.
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