BibTeX for papers by David Kotz; for complete/updated list see @InProceedings{cornelius:healthsec10, author = {Cory Cornelius and David Kotz}, title = {{On Usable Authentication for Wireless Body Area Networks}}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the USENIX Workshop on Health Security (HealthSec)}}, year = 2010, month = {August}, numpages = 2, publisher = {USENIX Association}, copyright = {the authors}, URL = {}, note = {Position paper}, abstract = {We examine a specific security problem in wireless body area networks (WBANs), what we call the \emph{one body authentication problem}. That is, how can we ensure that the wireless sensors in a WBAN are collecting data about one individual and not several individuals. We explore existing solutions to this problem and provide some analysis why these solutions are inadequate. Finally, we provide some direction towards a promising solution to the problem and how it can be used to create a usably secure WBAN.}, }